##Instrutions for running the run_analysis.R over the unclean data provided
Unzip the source file manually, the source file is obtained from the following path https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip into a folder on your local drive
Set your current working directory to your local drive where you have the data set with the following command
- setwd(“local_directory”)
Put the code file run_analysis.R to your local directory
Set the source in R to run_analysis.R this can be accomplished with source(“run_analysis.R”)
Then on running the R script, it will read the dataset and write these files: tidy_data_1.txt tidy_data_2.txt
Read the final data into R using data <- read.table("tidy_data_2.txt ") to read the latter. It is 180x68 (30*6 rows).