Version 1.9.1
1248 commits
to master
since this release
## How to update
- If you haven't set up a remote, run the command `git remote add RHH`.
- Once you have your remote set up, run the command `git pull RHH expansion/1.9.1`.
- Removed
in #5182 - Removed
in #5171
🧬 General 🧬
- Move Relearner UI now displays move category by @kittenchilly in #5081
- Fixes wrong padding field in
struct by @AlexOn1ine in #5139 - Fixed specific tiles changing to PC tiles when using Box Link/Debug PC option by @cawtds in #5141
🐉 Pokémon 🐉
- Fixed stray transparent pixels in Urshifu sprites by @hedara90 in #5071
- Fixed
not working for species IDs over 1023 by @SBird1337 in #5088 - Fixed overworld Pokémon breaking for species IDs above 1535 by @hedara90, @mrgriffin and
@SarnPoke in #5179 - Fixed overworld palettes for multiple species by @hedara90 in #5107
- Fixed/added missing Pokémon sprites and palettes by @Cafeei in #5126
- Overworld:
- Shiny Sneasler, Morelul, Bounsweet, Bruxish, Guzzlord, Regieleki, Zacian, Zamazenta
- Hisuian Zorua sprite
- Shiny Summer Sawsbuck
- Shiny Galarian Yamask, Darumaka, Zigzagoon, Zapdos, Ponyta, Rapidash, Slowpoke, Farfetch'd, Weezing, Mr. Mime, Articuno, Moltres, Slowking, Stunfisk, Darmanitan
- Shiny Hisuian Sneasel, Qwilfish, Samurott,
- Battle sprites:
- Shiny Sneasler, Cursola, Pincurchin, Runerigus
- Shiny Galarian Yamask, Darumaka
- Overworld:
- Fixed Unown Overworld follower sprites by Sarn by @hedara90 in #5146
⚔️ Battle General ⚔️
- Set new animation particles by default to off by @AlexOn1ine in #5161
- Fixed speed ties by @mrgriffin in #4780
- Fixed Defiant/Competitive not working after the battler enters the field with a Court Changed Sticky Web on its side of the field by @PhallenTree in #5093
- Fixed
not properly parsing line markers, which caused erroring lines to be offset by @mrgriffin in #5122 - Fixed initial Zigzagoon battle being able to use a Gimmick by @AlexOn1ine in #5129
- Fixed incorrect rounding when
is lower than 16 by @hedara90 in #5183- This caused these Pokémon to not be hurt by Sandstorm/Hail.
- Fixes UB in
by @mrgriffin and @AlexOn1ine in #5191
🤹 Moves 🤹
- Added move animations for multiple moves by @TheTrueSadfish in #5159
- Spin Out, Mortal Spin, Fillet Away, Flower Trick, Make It Rain, Shed Tail, Hyper Drill, Twin Beam, Comeuppance, Blood Moon, Fickle Beam, Thunder Clap, Hard Press, Dragon Cheer, Malignant Chain.
- Purple chains by ogwon on Discord, beam by @TheTrueSadfish and livra on Discord.
- Adjusted Raging Bull's animation to include Brick Break's wall break effect by @TheTrueSadfish in #5159
- Fixed non-grass Ivy Cudgel breaking battle UI by @hedara90 in #5117
- Fixes Stomping Tantrum effect not doubling power in certain situations by @AlexOn1ine in #5140
- Fixed Fickle Beam's description by @PhallenTree in #5093
- Fixed Revelation Dance interactions with Z-Move, Roost and typeless mons by @PhallenTree in #5133
- Fixes Poltergeist missing its accuracy check by @AlexOn1ine in #5168
- Fixed Fickle Beam not showing its message by @TheTrueSadfish in #5159
- Fixed Retaliate not working correctly if the party member fainted via passive damage during end of turn by @hedara90 in #5182
- Fixed Flame Burst's passive damage being based off current HP rather than Max HP by @hedara90 in #5182
- Fixed using Population Bomb with Loaded Dice printing garbage text by @kittenchilly in #5195
🎭 Abilities 🎭
- Added in-battle effect of Pickup by @PhallenTree in #5170
- Fixes Purifying Salt not halving damage for dynamic move types by @AlexOn1ine in #5145
- Fixed Dancer-called moves not changing their type based on the new user by @PhallenTree in #5133
- Fixed Ice Face not regenerating after switching in during Hail/Snow by @hedara90 in #5171
- Fixed Wind Rider not activating when switched in while Tailwind is active on the user's side of the field activation and tests by @PhallenTree in #5207
🧶 Items 🧶
- Added Dowsing Machine's expanded name by @kittenchilly in #5134
- Fixes Booster Energy not increasing speed by @AlexOn1ine in #5167
🤖 Battle AI 🤖
- Adjusted AI calculation for Triple Kick Effect by @AlexOn1ine in #5127
- Fix Switch AI Bug: AI never switching out when it could be OHKO'd by @Pawkkie in #5089
- Adds missing AI checks for poltergeist by @AlexOn1ine in #5189
🧹 Other Cleanup 🧹
function formatting by @AlexOn1ine in #5085- Opportunist/Mirror Herb cleanup by @AlexOn1ine in #5120
- Cleanup by @AlexOn1ine in #5158
- Remove trailing whitespace (master) by @AsparagusEduardo in #5174
🧪 Test Runner 🧪
- Added missing Move Effect TODO tests - Volume C by @AsparagusEduardo in #5094
- Added multiple missing ability TODO tests by @AsparagusEduardo in #5163
- Added missing Guard/Power split tests by @mrgriffin and @AlexOn1ine in #5191
- Added missing Harvest and Pickup tests by @PhallenTree in #5170
- Added missing Round tests by @hedara90 in #5196
- Added missing Wind Rider tests by @PhallenTree in #5207
- Fixed G-Max Replenish not considering Gen 5+ Pickup by @PhallenTree in #5170
- Fixed
not being exclusive on the higher boundary by @PhallenTree in #5170
📚 Documentation 📚
- Added guide to running documentation website locally by @AsparagusEduardo in #5059
- How to docs and fixes to be added to the mdbook documentation site by @anrichtait in #5070
- Improved 1.8 ⇒ 1.9 non-Competitive syntax migration instructions by @mrgriffin in #5079
📦 Branch Synchronisation 📦
- 5th of August in #5098
- Fixed bottom half of Mt. Pyre not being labeled in PokeNav by @fdeblasio in pret#2018
- 7th of August in #5116
- Changed type1 and type2 to be consistent by @pkmnsnfrn in pret#2021
- 14th of August in #5165
- Fix type for offset in MapConnection by @GriffinRichards in pret#2011
- 7th of August in #5110
- Fixed expanded OW IDs by @pkmnsnfrn in aarant#38
- Fix two small text errors in follower dialogue by @Bassoonian in aarant#39
Full Changelog: expansion/1.9.0...expansion/1.9.1
New Contributors
- @TheTrueSadfish made their first contribution in #5159