Reinforcement Learning Project for RL2020@LUH
We decided to build an agent that solves the CarRacing-v0 gym environment.
To improve learning, we pre-processed the states with:
- Greyscaling
- Framestacking
- Resizing to 64*64 pixels
Additionally, we implemented macro-actions.
Our agent implements the following features:
- DQN / DuelingDQN
- DoubleDQN
- Prioritized Replay Buffer
- Decaying ε-greedy exploration
For pretrained checkpoints, their training and evaluation, click here.
Build container
docker build . -t rl:latest
Create virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
Activate it
source .venv/bin/activate
Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the code from parent directory via
$ /home/dentarthur/rl-project> python src/ --help
usage: [-h] [-p] [-d] [--weights WEIGHTS] [--dir DIR] [--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p Play mode. Displays one episode using given weights.
-d Devbox mode. Uses pyvirtualdisplay.
-e Evaluation mode. Evaluate all checkpoints in given --dir option.
--weights WEIGHTS pytorch checkpoint file to load.
--dir DIR Location relative to models/ for saving checkpoints, buffer and tensorboard.
--seed SEED Random seed.
Training from scratch on headless server; seed 42, saving in models/exp42:
$ /home/dentarthur/rl-project> python src/ -d --seed 42 --dir exp42
Resume above training:
$ /home/dentarthur/rl-project> python src/ -d --dir exp42 --weights models/exp42/
Let a pretrained agent play:
$ /home/dentarthur/rl-project> python src/ -p --weights models/exp42/
Evaluate all checkpoints from exp42:
$ /home/dentarthur/rl-project> python src/ -e --dir exp42
Note: This will create tensorboard plots and not print anything!