The Distributed Lock Client is a general purpose distributed locking library forked from the Amazon DynamoDB Distributed Lock Client project to remove hard dependencies on DynamoDB, implement an abstracted data access layer, and enable support forother database platforms. This project introduces support for MongoDB. If you are interested in adding support for other platforms feel free to implement the classes required for your platform and send a pull request.
The Distributed Lock Client supports both fine-grained and coarse-grained locking as the lock keys can be any arbitrary string, up to a certain length. Distributed Lock Client supports either MongoDB or DynamoDB as a backend for maintaining lock state. Distributed Lock Client is an open-source project supported by the community. Please create issues in the GitHub repository with questions.
A common use case for this lock client is: let's say you have a distributed system that needs to periodically do work on a given campaign (or a given customer, or any other object) and you want to make sure that two boxes don't work on the same campaign/customer at the same time. An easy way to fix this is to write a system that takes a lock on a customer, but fine-grained locking is a tough problem. This library attempts to simplify this locking problem by maintaining lock state in either MongoDB or DynamoDB.
Another use case is leader election. If you only want one host to be the leader, then this lock client is a great way to pick one. When the leader fails, it will fail over to another host within a customizable leaseDuration that you set.
To use the Distributed Lock Client, clone tis repository and add a dependency on the local project in your pom.xml. NOTE: In the future this project will be repackaged to remove hard coded references to DynamoDB from the package name and published to the Maven Central Repository.
Once the dependency is configured, you need to set up a table/collection to store the lock data.
If you are using DynamoDB the hash key must be called key
. For MongoDB the database name must
be 'lockdb' and the collection name must be 'locks'. For your convenience, there are static methods
in the AmazonDynamoDBLockClient and MongoDBLockClient classes respectively called
and createLockTableInMongoDB
that you can use to set up your table,
but it is also possible to set up the table in the AWS Console for DynamoDB or using the Mongo shell,
Compass, or some other utility. For DynamoDB, the table should be created in advance, since it
takes a couple minutes for DynamoDB to provision your table for you. The LockClient class has
JavaDoc comments that fully explain how the library works.
Here is some example code to help get you started:
Using MongoDB:
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.mongodb.ConnectionString;
import com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings;
import com.mongodb.ReadPreference;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
public class LockClientExample {
public void usageExample() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
MongoClient mongo;
// Connect to MongoDB
MongoClientSettings settings = MongoClientSettings.builder()
.applyConnectionString(new ConnectionString("mongodb://localhost:27017"))
mongo = MongoClients.create(settings);
MongoDBLockClientOptionsBuilder builder = new MongoDBLockClientOptionsBuilder(mongo)
.withOwnerName("John Doe")
MongoDBLockClient client = new MongoDBLockClient(;
AcquireLockOptionsBuilder acquireLockOptionsBuilder = new AcquireLockOptionsBuilder("asdf")
GetLockOptionsBuilder getLockOptionsBuilder = new GetLockOptionsBuilder("asdf");
try {
Optional<LockItem> putOptional = client.tryAcquireLock(;
Optional<LockItem> getOptional = client.getLock(;
if (getOptional.isPresent()) {
ReleaseLockOptions release = new ReleaseLockOptions(getOptional.get(), true, true, Optional.empty());
} else {
throw new Exception("Unable to retrieve lock on '" + getOptional.get().getPartitionKey());
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Using DynamoDB:
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.junit.Test;
public class LockClientExample {
public void usageExample() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
// Inject client configuration to the builder like the endpoint and signing region
final DynamoDbClient dynamoDB = DynamoDbClient.builder()
// Whether or not to create a heartbeating background thread
final boolean createHeartbeatBackgroundThread = true;
//build the lock client
final AmazonDynamoDBLockClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBLockClient(
AmazonDynamoDBLockClientOptions.builder(dynamoDB, "lockTable")
//try to acquire a lock on the partition key "Moe"
final Optional<LockItem> lockItem =
if (lockItem.isPresent()) {
System.out.println("Acquired lock! If I die, my lock will expire in 10 seconds.");
System.out.println("Otherwise, I will hold it until I stop heartbeating.");
} else {
System.out.println("Failed to acquire lock!");
The following permissions are required in order to use the AmazonDynamoDBLockClient to acquire or release a lock:
If you also create a table using AmazonDynamoDBLockClient.createLockTableInDynamoDB
, you need these permissions:
If you want to ensure a table exists using AmazonDynamoDBLockClient.assertLockTableExists
, the following permissions are necessary as well:
When you call the constructor AmazonDynamoDBLockClient, you can specify createHeartbeatBackgroundThread=true
like in the above example, and it will spawn a background thread that continually updates the record version
number on your locks to prevent them from expiring (it does this by calling the sendHeartbeat() method in the
lock client.) This will ensure that as long as your JVM is running, your locks will not expire until you call
releaseLock() or lockItem.close()
You can acquire a lock via two different methods: acquireLock or tryAcquireLock. The difference between the two methods is that tryAcquireLock will return Optional.absent() if the lock was not acquired, whereas acquireLock will throw a LockNotGrantedException. Both methods provide optional parameters where you can specify an additional timeout for acquiring the lock. Then they will try to acquire the lock for that amount of time before giving up. They do this by continually polling DynamoDB according to an interval you set up. Remember that acquireLock/tryAcquireLock will always poll DynamoDB for at least the leaseDuration period before giving up, because this is the only way it will be able to expire stale locks.
This example will poll DynamoDB every second for 5 additional seconds (beyond the lease duration period), trying to acquire a lock:
LockItem lock = lockClient.acquireLock("Moe", "Test Data", 1, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Example Use Case: Suppose you have many messages that need to be processed for multiple lockable entities by a limited set of processor-consumers. Further suppose that the processing time for each message is significant (for example, 15 minutes). You also need to prevent multiple processing for the same resource.
public void acquireLockNonBlocking() throws LockAlreadyOwnedException {
AcquireLockOptions lockOptions = AcquireLockOptions.builder("partitionKey")
LockItem lock = lockClient.acquireLock(lockOptions);
The above implementation of the locking client, would try to acquire lock, waiting for at least the lease duration (15 minutes in our case). If the lock is already being held by other worker. This essentially blocks the threads from being used to process other messages in the queue.
So we introduced an optional behavior which offers a Non-Blocking acquire lock implementation. While trying to acquire
lock, the client can now optionally set shouldSkipBlockingWait = true
to prevent the user thread from being
blocked until the lease duration, if the lock has already been held by another worker and has not been released yet.
The caller can chose to immediately retry the lock acquisition or to back off and retry the lock acquisition, if lock is
currently unavailable.
public void acquireLockNonBlocking() throws LockAlreadyOwnedException {
AcquireLockOptions lockOptions = AcquireLockOptions.builder("partitionKey")
LockItem lock = lockClient.acquireLock(lockOptions);
If the lock does not exist or if the lock has been acquired by the other machine and is stale (has passed the lease duration), this would successfully acquire the lock.
If the lock has already been held by another worker and has not been released yet and the lease duration has not expired since the lock was last updated by the current owner, this will throw a LockCurrentlyUnavailableException exception. The caller can chose to immediately retry the lock acquisition or to delay the processing for that lock item by NACKing the message.
You can read the data in the lock without acquiring it, and find out who owns the lock. Here's how:
LockItem lock = lockClient.getLock("Moe");
The lock client never stores absolute times in DynamoDB -- only the relative "lease duration" time is stored in DynamoDB. The way locks are expired is that a call to acquireLock reads in the current lock, checks the RecordVersionNumber of the lock (which is a GUID) and starts a timer. If the lock still has the same GUID after the lease duration time has passed, the client will determine that the lock is stale and expire it. What this means is that, even if two different machines disagree about what time it is, they will still avoid clobbering each other's locks.
To run all integration tests for the DynamoDB Lock client, issue the following Maven command:
mvn clean install -Pintegration-tests
mvn deploy -Possrh-release