An awesome game engine to learn C++, Vulkan, computer graphics rendering and most importantly to have fun.
Currently working on refactoring Vulkan code in refactoring branch.
- Window creation and resizing using GLFW
- Keyboard and Mouse Input
- Logging
- GUI setup using ImGUI (In progress)
- Vulkan setup (In progress)
- Building 2d renderer
The Elements Project provides the framework to develop games.
The Playground Project is where I test rendering and apply the framework.
The messaging framework also handles communication between different systems in the framework. (Might be replaced by some other sytem such as an event queue.)
TheCherno/Hazel: Hazel Engine
ScrappyCocco/ScrapEngine: A very simple real-time Vulkan 3D game engine
sdslabs/Rubeus: A cross platform 2D game engine written in C++ for beginners
elnormous/ouzel: C++ game engine for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, tvOS, Android, and web browsers