An app to create custom ID cards
The app should create an ID Card in real time and export the information to JSON.
- Follow the design proposed by the image case_study_2017_demo.png.
- Preview Area:
- Shows the changes in real time.
- Drop Images Area:
- Drop Photo: The user can drop one image and the image should appear on the profile image of the Preview area.
- Drop Background: The user can drop one image and the image will update the background image of the preview area.
- Text Fields Area:
- The data entered on the input fields will update in real time the corresponding text on the preview area.
- The Background Size Selector updates the background style on the preview area.
- The Generate JSON button generates one JSON object and updates the Output area.
- Outpu Area:
- Outputs the JSON generated on the Text Field Area.
- Text Fields Area:
- Add the option to change the text color in real time.
- Add the option to add colors in hexadecimal code.
- Save the colors on a database for future use.
- Save Cards:
- Create a database to save the cards created.
- Save the images uploaded to the server.
- The homepage should have the ability to show the cards saved if any.
- Show the cards saved without reloading the page.
- Update the card information without reloading the page.
- Create a new card based on a previous saved card.
- The user can create a background directly on the app, with the canvas or simply by choosing a solid color.
- Users:
- Create a new user before using the app
- Users Login and Logout
- Save the cards for each user
- Only show the cards created by the user
- Design of the app
- Create a new design
- Add responsive design
- Give some configuration options to the user
STEP 1: Design
- index.html (entry page of the app)
- reset.css (reset some annoying browser styles)
- main.css (main styles of the app)
- default_avatar.jpeg (just a placeholder for the preview Photo)
- drag_and_drop.gif (An animated image for the drop areas)
STEP 2: Basic Functionality
- cardprocess.js (JS script that executes the basic functionality)
STEP 3: Extra Functionality
- database folder
- idcards.sql(SQL commands to generate the database)
- idcards.db(The generated database using SQLITE3)
- images folder
- This is the location of all the images of the application even the uploaded images;
- includes folder
- db_connection.php(Connection to the database);
- init.php(Includes all the necessary files for the application)
- session.php(File to add functions to handle sessions)
- templates folder
- This folder has all the frontend templates of the app.
- index.php(This is now the entry point of the app)
- action_saveid.php (The action to save a new card to the database)
- action_updatecard.php (Gets the information from the database and returns a JSON file)
- The user should be able to save a card without a background image;
- Save the values entered when the page reloads after and error;
- Keep the image format when uploading (using the MIME type provided by the base64 string);
- Improve the AJAX tasks and functions;
- Create the database directly on the app to avoid problems with relocation;