Faktura is a simple Django app to conduct Web-based invoice generation and evidence.
For generating PDF we use https://wkhtmltopdf.org/ package. Make sure you have installed it in your OS. Package installation will also download and install https://github.com/incuna/django-wkhtmltopdf.
Install django-faktura via pip:
pip install django-faktura
Add "faktura" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'wkhtmltopdf', # Dependency for PDF generation 'faktura', ]
Include the polls URLconf in your project urls.py like this:
path('invoices/', include('faktura.urls')),
Run python manage.py migrate to create the faktura models.
Start the development server and visit to manage your invoices (you'll need the Admin app enabled).
Visit to view the invoices list.
In order to generate invoice PDF with wkhtmltopdf, make sure your project has STATIC_ROOT set. If STATIC_ROOT is not set PDF generation will fail with AttributeError (#15).
In order to run tests execute command:
python setup.py test
We do have additional requirements for running tests in multiple Python and Django environments via TOX. Install them (into your virtualenv):
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
To run complex test suite via TOX, execute command:
I did this app because SPy o.z. (non profit supporting Slovak Python community) needed something for invoice evidence. I like to program and I wanted to try design a clean Django app and learn one or two things about testing stand alone app and packaging.
You can use my refferal link: https://m.do.co/c/18b211fa1d99 and create account with Digital Ocean and get $50 credit, and you'll help me out to cover my hosting costs.
If you like what I do (stuff like this django app, or my role in community), you can buy me a coffee:
If you use this app for your business consider makeing a recurent donation: