One of the first graphical projects at 42 school, fract-ol generates beautiful fractals from the complex numbers of an iterative mathematical construct. A fractal is a fragmented geometrical figure that infinitely repeats itself at smaller scales. This project uses the school's graphical library, MiniLibX.
First, clone this repository and cd
into it:
$ git clone; cd fract-ol
Compile using make
At execution time, you must specify a fractal to display. You may also provide other optional parameters:
./fractol <type> <options>
Types are :
: Mandelbrot fractaljulia
: Julia fractal
For the Julia fractal set (and only this set), two additional parameters can be specified as calculation values. These represent a complex number that will change the shape of the Julia fractal. They must be fractional numbers between 2.0 and -2.0. For example:
./fractol julia 0.285 -0.01