Only use with test IBM i Libraries to be safe.
Run the setup zip self extractor as Administrator so the application gets properly unzipped to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MobiGoGo\MBWorkWithIBMi
Then run the app or create a short cut to the app executable:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MobiGoGo\MBWorkWithIBMi\MBWorkWithIBMi.exe
Your AppSettings.xml file with personalized settings will get created here:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\MobiGoGo, LLC\Work with IBM i\AppSettings.xml
The settings file can be launched for editing via the File/Settings
menu option. After changing any settings, save the AppSettings.xml file and restart the MBWorkWithIBMi.exe app.
Version Notes
Changed CPYTOSTMF to CPYTOIMPF in download source member methods.
Must have missed this during initial coding.
Changed, user, password and port fields to not be multi-line. Was causing scaling problems on UI
Scale based on GDI to size correctly on all monitors regardless of scaling.
Make sure AppSettings.xml is always in the "Work with IBM i" user data directory instead of a directory named with the product version on it. This makes sure AppSettings are always in the same location between versions because the default user data path changes each time the product and file versions change.
Added usecpytoimpf setting for source member copied.
Default = True to use CPYTOIMPF.
Added cpytostmfdbfccsid to control the dbfccsid parameter. If a source file ccsid is 65535, the data in a source member may not copy correctly with CPYTOSTMF if DBFCCSID is *FILE. So probably need to change from *FILE to 37 or other appropriate CCSID if needed and *FILE
does not work.
Added cpytoimpffromfileccsid to control the FROMCCSID parameter. If a source file ccsid is 65535, the data in a source member may not copy correctly with CPYTOIMPF if FROMCCSID is *FILE. So probably need to change from *FILE to 37 or other appropriate CCSID if needed and *FILE does not work.
Added cpyfrmstmfdbfccsid to control the dbfccsid parameter. If a source file ccsid is 65535, the data in a source member may not
copy correctly with CPYFRMSTMF if DBFCCSID is *FILE. So probably need to change from *FILE to 37 or other appropriate CCSID if needed and *FILE does not work.
Removed srcfileccsid setting because of the new settings.
Added Delete local source member file option to clean up downloads directory of any work source members for a library/source file.