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Magic AFM -- Force curve analysis for Magic Ratio AFM

Magic AFM is Free Software (see LICENSE) for the analysis of AFM force curves (static force spectroscopy) on polymers and other soft materials.


  • Robust force curve fitting. (Parabolic indenter with DMT/JKR/LJ adhesion via [SCHWARZ].)
  • Responsive interface for direct visual inspection/exploration of curves and fits.
  • Sensitivity analysis of modulus error, to help identify if imaging conditions are amplifying or suppressing systemic error.

Supported file formats:

  • QNM and FFV data from Nanoscope V3 or higher (Bruker/Veeco .spm/.pfc)
  • Asylum research ARDF/HDF5
  • Additional format contributions welcome!


This package is companion software to our recent publication, "Vanishing Cantilever Calibration Error with Magic Ratio Atomic Force Microscopy" [MRAFM], where we show that the ratio of cantilever deflection to tip indentation is an important dimensionless number controlling the amplification or suppression of sources of error, and that under common thermal calibration methods the sensitivity of modulus estimates to the spring constant error can be eliminated through choice of system parameters.

We hoped to create a force curve analysis package that helps AFM users to calculate indentation ratios and modulus sensitivities for their force curve data in an intuitive and responsive package. By facilitating these sorts of calculations, we hope to improve the overall systematic error of reported modulus maps in the greater AFM nanomechanics community.

[MRAFM]Sheridan, R. J., Collinson, D. W., & Brinson, L. C. (2020). "Vanishing Cantilever Calibration Error with Magic Ratio Atomic Force Microscopy." Advanced Theory and Simulations, 3(8), 2000090. DOI:10.1002/adts.202000090
[SCHWARZ](1, 2) Schwarz, U. D. (2003). A generalized analytical model for the elastic deformation of an adhesive contact between a sphere and a flat surface. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 261(1), 99–106. DOI:10.1016/S0021-9797(03)00049-3


Requires CPython 3.11 or higher. (As of v0.9.0, we can read ARDF files natively, so ARDFtoHDF5.exe is no longer required. We can still read the converted HDF5 files, if necessary.)

From source

Clone the git repository to your local machine, and install into a fresh environment:

git clone

python -m venv magic_afm
magic_afm\Scripts\activate.bat (or) magic_afm\bin\activate
pip install -e .[gui,numba]
conda create -n magic_afm python=3.11
conda activate magic_afm
pip install -e .[gui,numba]

This is also a Pixi project, so if you install Pixi, the Python install is automatic and fast.

From PyPI

Eventually we should supply a pypi distribution.

From GitHub Releases

We use PyInstaller to build executable releases for Windows on Github. Simply download the ZIP archive, extract it to your hard drive.


All functionality available when the source is imported from the magic_afm, see API. magic fitting workflow.ipynb doubles as an explainer and alternative interface. It also functions as the test suite for the calculation code, such as it is. The notebook needs additional dependencies you can get with the notebook extra.

Running the GUI

All platforms, when running from source or PyPI:

python -m magic_afm.gui

or if you are a Pixi user, you can use this while in the source tree:

pixi run gui

When running the GitHub release executable for Windows:


To load data, select "Open..." from the File menu, or press Ctrl+O. A dialog will open that will allow you to navigate and select any supported filetype. This will open a data window and populate a number of options in the main window. Many files and windows can be open simultaneously; the main window options will display/affect the attributes of the last selected data window.

Viewing Images

By default a height map is shown, when it is available inside the data file. Other precalculated images can be displayed using the "Image" drop-down box. The "Colormap" menu allows you to select from pre-defined colormaps. The "logarithmic scale" checkbox can provide contrast when image data varies over many orders of magnitude. Images can be flattened, offset, or smoothed in the "Manipulations" window. The manipulated images are added to the image menu with "Calc<Ext/Ret/Both><Manip>" where <Manip> is the selected operation and <Ext/Ret/Both> indicates whether the parameter was estimated from the extend, retract, or both data. The available image manipulations are:

A linear fit to each row of the image is subtracted from that row
A 2D linear fit to the image is subtracted from that image
The minimum value present in the image is subtracted from that image
Each pixel is replaced by the median value of that pixel and its vertical neighbors. Good for removing scanline artifacts.
Each pixel is replaced by the median value of that pixel and its eight neighbors. Good for removing extreme outlier pixels.
Blurs the image with a small Gaussian kernel. Good for random (pixel-wise) noise reduction via spatial averaging.
If the fitter was unsuccessful at a certain point, it will write NaN values into those pixels so they appear bright red in the figure. This fills in those pixels selectively with the median of their non-NaN neighbors. Works best when bad fits are sparse!

All calculated images can be exported by clicking "Export calculated maps" to various image and data formats. The current preprocessing and fit parameters will be written as JSON in the same folder.

Viewing Force Curves

Force curves are displayed by left-clicking the image in the data window. Shift+click allows multiple curves to be plotted. Ctrl+drag plots continuously as the mouse moves over the image. A cross is displayed over the selected point/pixel and the plot is displayed in the adjacent axes with the extend and retract curves in blue and orange, respectively. The data are in absolute units, as recorded in the raw data, without any offsets/shifts. This view provides a quick qualitative check on a force curve.

The "Force curve display" can be toggled between spatial (d vs z) temporal (d vs t) and natural (f vs δ) units. "Select data source" appears if we detect that the file contains Trace and or Retrace data, so you can select which curves to display and fit. The "Preprocessing" parameters are read from the data file metadata but can be adjusted on the fly, updating the display immediately. "Deflection Sens." refers to the calibration factor that multiplies the static vertical photodetector signal to obtain the cantilever deflection in nm (sometimes called InvOLS.) "Spring Constant" refers to the static cantilever spring constant measured at the position of the probe tip. "Sync Distance" is only available when dealing with QNM data, and phase-corrects the position of the peak force with respect to time and z position.

Fitting Data

Fitting can be toggled between the default nothing (Skip), the approach curve (Extend) or the retract curve (Retract), or simultaneously fit the extend and retract curves (Both). The fit parameters are not read from the file and only affect the display when either the extend or the retract portions of the force curve are toggled to fit. "Tip Radius (nm)" refers to the nominal radius of the parabolic probe assumed in the indentation model. "DMT-JKR (0-1)" refers to the transition parameter between the long-range and short-range adhesion force regimes. Formally, it is the ratio of the short-range work of adhesion to the total work of adhesion (τ1*τ1 in [SCHWARZ]).

The deflection and piezo displacement of all currently displayed force curves can be exported by clicking "Export calculated force curves" to various text and binary formats.

If a fit has been performed, a table is displayed above the force curve indicating the key inferred parameters:

indentation modulus M=4/3*E/(1-ν*ν)
dM/dk x k/M
relative sensitivity of M to the spring constant
force of adhesion
cantilever deflection from the maximum to the snap-off minimum
probe indentation depth from the maximum to the snap-off minimum
indentation ratio
contact radius at the maximum indentation depth
sum of squared errors

Using this table you observe the best fit value and uncertainty for parameters at any point in the map. Mainly, this helps diagnose issues and confirm robust fits. If you select multiple points, the average of the values of those points will be displayed. Note that the current calculation assumes you are using the GCI/GetReal/Qf1.3 calibration method, as is current best practice. If you are doing hard-contact + thermal calibration, you must approximately double the relative sensitivity value. For calibrations that do not involve the equipartition theorem, the sensitivity value reported is not applicable.

Additionally, fitting plots a curve labeled "Model" for the best-fit estimate. If viewing in d vs z mode, "Surface Z" indicates the apparent height of the substrate after accounting for indentation effects. If viewing in f vs δ mode, Max/Crit markers indicate the apparent point of the "Maximum" and "Critical" (snap-off) force and indentation, respectively.

The "calculate properties" button rapidly fits all data in the file and creates new images for each in the "Image" menu. All calculated property maps can be exported like any other image by clicking "Export calculated maps". Again, The current preprocessing and fit parameters will be written as JSON in the same folder.

Future Plans:

  • Test suite and CI
  • Viscoelastic model
  • CLI for batch fit


magic_afm can be imported and used, especially the submodules data_readers and calculation.


If you notice any bugs, need any help, or want to contribute any code, GitHub issues and pull requests are very welcome!

If you are reporting a crash, please include the traceback dump that is written in the source or PyInstaller folder.