Simple client for the Consul HTTP API. For more information about the Consul HTTP API, go here.
In 0.13.x, both shaded and non-shaded JARs are provided. The shaded JAR has a shaded
classifier, while the non-shaded JAR has no classifier. Note that this is a change from 0.12 and 0.11.
In 0.11.X and 0.12.x, the Consul JAR is a shaded JAR, with most dependencies included. This was done because a number of issues being files were related to dependency conflicts. The JAR is a bit bigger, but the HTTP + JSON libraries are now internal to the JAR. Only Guava is still a transitive dependency.
Grab the latest binary (0.13.5) here.
repositories {
jcenter() // or mavenCentral()
dependencies {
compile 'com.orbitz.consul:consul-client:0.13.5'
Note that you need to continually check in before the TTL expires, otherwise your service's state will be marked as "critical".
Consul consul = Consul.builder().build(); // connect to Consul on localhost
AgentClient agentClient = consul.agentClient();
String serviceName = "MyService";
String serviceId = "1";
agentClient.register(8080, 3L, serviceName, serviceId); // registers with a TTL of 3 seconds
agentClient.pass(serviceId); // check in with Consul, serviceId required only. client will prepend "service:" for service level checks.
Consul consul = Consul.builder().build(); // connect to Consul on localhost
HealthClient healthClient = consul.healthClient();
List<ServiceHealth> nodes = healthClient.getHealthyServiceInstances("DataService").getResponse(); // discover only "passing" nodes
Consul consul = Consul.builder().build(); // connect to Consul on localhost
KeyValueClient kvClient = consul.keyValueClient();
kvClient.putValue("foo", "bar");
String value = kvClient.getValueAsString("foo").get(); // bar
A blocking is used to wait for a potential changes in the key value store.
Consul consul = Consul.builder().build();
final KeyValueClient kvClient = consul.keyValueClient();
kvClient.putValue("foo", "bar");
ConsulResponseCallback<Optional<Value>> callback = new ConsulResponseCallback<Optional<Value>>() {
AtomicReference<BigInteger> index = new AtomicReference<BigInteger>(null);
public void onComplete(ConsulResponse<Optional<Value>> consulResponse) {
if (consulResponse.getResponse().isPresent()) {
Value v = consulResponse.getResponse().get();"Value is: {}", new String(BaseEncoding.base64().decode(v.getValue().toString())));
void watch() {
kvClient.getValue("foo", QueryOptions.blockMinutes(5, index.get()).build(), this);
public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
LOGGER.error("Error encountered", throwable);
kvClient.getValue("foo", QueryOptions.blockMinutes(5, new BigInteger("0")).build(), callback);
You can also use the ConsulCache implementations to easily subscribe to healthy service changes or Key-Value changes.
Agent agent = client.agentClient().getAgent();
String serviceName = "my-service";
ServiceHealthCache svHealth = ServiceHealthCache.newCache(healthClient, serviceName);
svHealth.addListener(new ConsulCache.Listener<HostAndPort, ServiceHealth>() {
public void notify(Map<HostAndPort, ServiceHealth> newValues) {
// do Something with updated server map
StatusClient statusClient = Consul.builder().build().statusClient();
for(String peer : statusClient.getPeers()) {
System.out.println(peer); //
StatusClient statusClient = Consul.builder().build().statusClient();
System.out.println(statusClient.getLeader()); //
makes use of immutables to generate code for many of the value classes.
This provides a lot of functionality and benefit for little code, but it does require some additional development setup.
Official instructions are here, although you may want to change the target directories to the more gradle-like "generated/source/apt/main" and "generated/source/apt/test" targets.
Their instructions for eclipse a bit difficult to grok, but I was able to get eclipse to compile by following the second part of the instructions. Essentially, enable annotation processing, then extend the M2_REPO variable to include the immutables annotation processor. One thing is that documentation is out of date in that it tells you the wrong jar to include - it should be org/immutables/value/2.0.16/value-2.0.16.jar.
One caveat found using IntelliJ is that you must mark your source directory as a "Generated sources root" for IntelliJ to add the contents to your classpath. For example, if you setup your target directory as "generated/source/apt/main", right-click on the 'main' subfolde and click "Mark Directory as -> Generated sources root".
Another issue is that upon changes to the build.gradle file or reimporting the gradle project, the "sources root" designation may be cleared, and it will need to be re-marked.