This command line application allows the user to search for a book, utilizing Google's Books API. A user can save a book to their reading list by using that books ID and also print their created reading list. You can use any term to search for a book and are not limited to just a book's title e.g. author's name, keyword, etc.
First, make sure to clone the application into a directory of your choosing. Then use the npm install command to install the dependency packages.
ALSO, installing the app globally will allow you to use the haduken starting command to utilize the application.
$ npm install -g
There are 3 commands:
- Search
- Save
- List
Only two of the commands, (search & save), have builder properties.
- search --keyword
- save --bookId
$ haduken save --bookId="number id of the book you would like to save"
Finally, use the list command to print the reading list. This list command does not have a builder property so nothing else is needed.