- Project Overview
- Deployement
- Beyond the MVP
- Installation
- Usage
- Application Screenshots
- License
- Credit
MVP complete --> post MVP: ONGOING
- messenging/inboxing function: currently hardcoded
- authentication: session/connect-mongo vs passport vs JWT
- mobile-friendly
- sticky navbar
- "read more" feature for text inside cards
- Brandon Maxwell: brandon-maxwell
- Felicia Wootton: fdwootton
- Matthew Goad: matthewxgoad
- Pamela Hsu: p-hsu
- Riheel H: riheelh
This project is deployed through Github Pages @ Growr
Too excited to read about the boring parts >> go take a SNEAK PEAK
The following components are used to build the code for this project:
- React.js
- React-router-dom
- Material-UI
- Express.js
- MongoDB > Mongoose.js
- MongoDB Atlas Cloud Database
Signifcant packages
- axios > for data requests
- bcrypt > for password hashing
- cors > for browser security
- multer s3 & AWS > for image file uploads to cloud
- dotenv > for environment variables
Third-party API
All members of the project are full-stack coders and put work into both sides of developement: these generalized tasks and assignments act as a jumping block to initiate work flow and designate responsibility. See Project Members section for reference.
- research on react CSS library > Material-UI
- design UI navigational flow chart for pages/components
- build skeleton of react-creat-app directory structure
- design/edit/finalize style modifications for optimal UI/UX
- implement API calls and react hookk
- image upload and render function
- messaging/inboxing function
- deployement and post-deployement issues
- design models for mongoose/mongoDB schema and documents
- design API workflow
- mock up data to seed database in developement
- research third party API for location functionality
- image upload and render function
- messaging/inboxing function
- deployement and post-deployement issues
- landing page search by zipcode function to render demo page
- for non-signedup users
- readme only with any interaction to redirect to signup page
- develope messaging/inbox function into forum based UI
- addition UI features for cards
- favorite trades and places
- "I'm going!" function for events
- countdown / autodelete for events
- admin user features for basic site management
- validate and maintain "static" PLACES ie. "Did that nursery move locations?"
- follow up on duplicate postings or violation of terms(?)
- Guestbook feature for users
- allowing multiple image uploads for posts
- Clone this repository onto local workspace
- Open Terminal (MacOS) or Git Bash (Windows) and change location to where you want the cloned directory
- Type
git clone
and paste copied respository - This application uses Mongoose.js - please make sure you have the following tools installed for local server database use:
- This application uses the dotenv package to set up environment variables - use the search function in your code editor to locate the following keys. It's up to you if you want to install/download/signup for any of these:
- API_KEY > required for Google Maps Geocoding API
- BUCKET > required for AWS
- AWS_ID > required for AWS
- AWS_SECRET > required for AWS
- REGION > required for AWS Cloud Database
For local server use through CLI:
npm install
npm run
This application is licensed under MIT, please see the corresponding file in the repo directory.
- Growr - Plant Exchange original concept and code collaborators: Brandon Maxwell || Felicia Wootton || Matthew Goad || Pamela Hsi || Riheel H
- Udemy : [Maximilian Schwarzmüller]https://www.udemy.com/user/maximilian-schwarzmuller/ the tutorial beast
- Lama Dev - React Social Media App Design Tutorial
- Mim Armand and Kat Poulos provided assistance and mentorship as the program instructor and teaching assistant respectivley
- Full-stack Bootcamp Program @ Washington University, Saint Louis through © 2021 Trilogy Education Services, LLC, a 2U, Inc. brand