This module provides a string variables replacer.
$ yarn add @rimiti/stimmy
- Can replace variables from an object.
- Can replace variables from an array.
From import
import { stimmy } from '@rimiti/stimmy';
From require
const { stimmy } = require('@rimiti/stimmy');
init pattern
// As default, use the {myVariable} pattern
const replacer = stimmy();
// If you want to customized default pattern (ex: {{myVariable}}
const replacer = stimmy('{{', '}}')
const str = replacer('This {0} is {1}!', ['module', 'awesome']);
// This module is awesome!
const str = replacer('{0}% of code coverage, it\'s {1}...', [100, 'so amazing']);
// 100% of code coverage, it's so amazing...
const str = replacer('{timmy} My hobby is {hobby}...', {timmy: 'Timmmmmmmyy !!', hobby: 'running'});
// Timmmmmmmyy !! My hobby is running...
const str = replacer('My name is {name}, I\'m {age}.', {name: 'stimmy', age: 25});
// My name is stimmy, I'm 25.
Run using yarn run <script>
clean - Remove temporarily folders.
build - Compile source files.
build:watch - Interactive watch mode, compile sources on change.
lint - Lint source files.
lint:fix - Fix lint source files.
test - Runs all tests with coverage.
test:watch - Interactive watch mode, runs tests on change.