Lets send you servers ip on reboot to a Discord Webhook
Create script directory
mkdir /etc/rg_ipfinder
Download ip.bash to /etc/rg_ipfinder/ip.bash
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/riseupgroup/ip_finder/main/ip.bash > /etc/rg_ipfinder/ip.bash
Replace "<your discord webhook here>" on line 8 with your own webhook
nano /etc/rg_ipfinder/ip.bash
Make the script executable
chmod +x /etc/rg_ipfinder/ip.bash
It should look like this
Save with CTRL + X
Add the script to crontab
Open Crontab config as root (otherwiese you can't use @reboot)
sudo crontab -e
Add the script
@reboot /etc/rg_ipfinder/ip.bash
Save with CTRL + X