Rithwik's Chess Engine in C++.
Email: rtom (AT) andrew.cmu.edu
You'll need:
A Unix(-like) machine.
A C++ compiler which supports C++11 standard.
Makefile build system.
Download the source code and run:
This will create a binary named arsha.x.
Launch the program first:
To start a game enter:
Arsha plays white. She will make the first move. You need to type in move commands. Moves are entered in an algebraic chess notation. Squares are uniquely identified using a system of coordinates. The rows/ranks are labelled from 1-8 and columns/files are labelled from A-H.
For example, if want to move the black pawn from E7 Square to E5 Square, you need to enter:
move e7e5
Castle moves are represented by movement of the King. For example, if you want to perform black kingside/short castle, enter:
move e8g8
A list of all possible moves can be found by:
move list
Please report bugs if you find any. Use the 'issues' tab on GitHub.
Deep Thought/ Deep Blue team - Feng-hsiung Hsu, Murray Campbell, Thomas Anantharaman.
Allen Newell and Herbert Simon.
Claude Shannon.