This plugin opens a chat session with the given phonenumber in Whatsapp on Android.
The behavior is similar to the generic tel:, smsto:, or mailto: URL schemes on iOS and Android.
iOS supports a generic URL scheme for whatsapp ("whatsapp://send?abid=").
However on Android the URL scheme is currently not supported.
This plugin implements the send-via-whatsapp functionality on Android.
- cordova.plugins.Whatsapp.send
Say you want to open a chat session with phone number: 111-222-3333
This will open a chat session in Whatsapp for the target contact.
For cordova or ionic
cordova plugin add
ionic plugin add
Add the following xml to all the app config.xml file:
<!-- for Android -->
<feature name="Whatsapp">
<param name="android-package" value="mobi.moica.whatsapp.Whatsapp" />