Simple Ceph cluster setup by using kcli
Prerequisites: install kcli (
Or just use the following alias:
alias kcli='podman run --net host -it --rm --security-opt label=disable -v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v $HOME/.kcli:/root/.kcli -v /var/lib/libvirt/images:/var/lib/libvirt/images -v /var/run/libvirt:/var/run/libvirt -v $PWD:/workdir -v /var/tmp:/ignitiondir'
Change SELinux policy to permessive:
sudo setenforce 0
Make sure root can perform ssh login:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config (and set PermitRootLogin to yes)
sudo systemctl restart sshd
To create a 3-node ceph cluster:
# Delete any previous installation
kcli delete plan ceph -y
kcli delete network ceph-orch -y && kcli create network -c ceph-orch
Install the new cluster:
kcli create plan -f ./ceph_cluster.yml -P expanded_cluster=true ceph
Or for development:
kcli create plan -f ./ceph_cluster.yml -P ceph_dev_folder=<path-to-your-ceph-src> -P expanded_cluster=true ceph
This will create a new 3-nodes ceph cluster which has teh following nodes:
- ceph-node-0 (
- ceph-node-1 (
- ceph-node-2 (
Now user can enter to any node by using (where X is the # of the node):
kcli ssh -u root ceph-node-X
And launch the cephadm shell to manage the cluster:
cephadm shell