Better conversion of ENUMs to string - It also can handle converting back again!
It takes an enum such as:
enum TestEnum { testValue1 }
and converts it to
Also handles camel case
Input enum TestEnum { testValue1 }
Output Test value 1
You can also capitalize all words using the capitalizeWords
Input enum TestEnum { testValue1 }
Output with capitalizeWords: true
: Test Value 1
import 'package:enum_to_string/enum_to_string.dart';
enum TestEnum { testValue1, testValue2 };
String result = EnumToString.convertToString(TestEnum.testValue1);
//result = 'testValue1'
String result = EnumToString.convertToString(TestEnum.testValue1, camelCase: true);
//result = 'Test value 1'
String result = EnumToString.convertToString(TestEnum.testValue1, camelCase: true, capitalizeWords: true);
//result = 'Test Value 1'
EnumToString.fromString(TestEnum.values, "testValue1"); //Enum
// TestEnum.testValue1
EnumToString.fromString(TestEnum.values, "Test Value 1", camelCase: true);
// TestEnum.testValue1
List<String> result = EnumToString.toList(TestEnum.values);
//result = ['testValue1','testValue2'],
List<String> result = EnumToString.toList(TestEnum.values, camelCase: true);
//result = ['Test value 1','Test value 2'],
List result = EnumToString.fromList(TestEnum.values, ["ValueOne", "Value2"]); //List<Enum>
//result = [TestEnum.valueOne, TestEnum.value2];
Any pull requests / extensions welcome, this was just an annoying thing I needed to fix a couple of times so viola! a package was born.
The project uses GitHub Actions for CI (migrated from Travis CI), which automatically runs the following checks on all pull requests:
- Dart formatting
- Static analysis
- Tests
You can run all checks locally before submitting a PR using the provided script:
Or run them individually:
# Get dependencies
dart pub get
# Format code
dart format --output=none --set-exit-if-changed .
# Run static analysis
dart analyze
# Run tests
dart test
The CI pipeline requires all tests to pass. Please ensure your changes include appropriate test coverage.
Starting from version 2.2.0, this package supports Dart's enhanced enums with custom string mappings. This is particularly useful when you need enum string representations that can't be valid Dart identifiers.
enum Rating {
PG13('PG-13'), // Custom mapping with hyphen
unrated; // Falls back to normal EnumToString behavior
final String? value;
const Rating([this.value]);
void main() {
// Custom mapped values use their explicit mapping
print(EnumToString.convertToString(Rating.PG13)); // Prints: PG-13
// Unmapped values use normal EnumToString behavior
print(EnumToString.convertToString(Rating.unrated)); // Prints: unrated
// All other EnumToString features work as expected
print(EnumToString.fromString(Rating.values, 'PG-13') == Rating.PG13); // true
print(EnumToString.toList(Rating.values)); // ['G', 'PG-13', 'R', 'unrated']
This feature is particularly useful when:
- You need special characters in your enum strings (like hyphens or spaces)
- Your enum strings need to match an external API or format exactly
- You want some enum values to have custom string representations while others use the default behavior