flash memory programming for the STM32 microcontrollers. Uses signals RTS and DTR to reset the microcontroller and select the boot mode. Provides forwarding controller console output to the standard output for interfacing with IDE.
Write cdc.hex
the file through /dev/ttyUSB0
example call:
swamp-boot -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -e -w cdc.hex -t -d
Swamp-boot, version 0.9
Connect "/dev/ttyUSB0"...V3.1...PID0445... done
Erasing... done
Writing from "cdc.hex"... done
baudrate: 9600, data 8, parity 0, stop 0
Tracing... done
Disconnecting... done
Supported options:
swamp-boot [OPTIONS]
--rts ARG
Select RTS mode: reset - for device RESET,
nreset - for inverted device RESET, boot
- for device BOOT0 (default), nboot - for
inverted device BOOT0, set - stay at high
level, clear - stay at low level
--dtr ARG
Select DTR mode: reset - for device RESET
(default), nreset - for inverted device RESET,
boot - for device BOOT0, nboot - for inverted
device BOOT0, set - stay at high level, clear
- stay at low level
-c, --connect ARG
Open serial port and connect to device bootloader
-u, --unprotect
Erase and read-out unprotect device memory
-r, --read ARG
Read data from device memory to file
-e, --erase
Erase device memory
-w, --write ARG
Write data from file to device memory
-p, --protect
Read-out protect device memory
--trace-time ARG
Set trace intercharacter interval in seconds
(5 default)
--trace-size ARG
Set maximum trace log size (4096 default)
-t, --trace
Restart device in user mode, with redirecting
device output to stdout
-d, --disconnect
Disconnect device and close serial port
-h, --help
Print this help
Return values:
9 Invalid checksum of file
8 Invalid device memory location or invalid record in file
7 Unsupported device
6 Invalid reply from device bootloader
5 No reply from device bootloader
4 Serial port already open
3 Internal error
2 Invalid actual parameter
1 Invalid option
0 No errors, all done