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Rotation with the Mostafavi lab

This is the repository for Rosemary McCloskey's Spring 2015 rotation project with Sara Mostafavi.

This README is about the code side of the project: how the files and folders are organized, and how to rerun all the analyses and produce all the figures and tables. For the science side, I have written a summary which can be found here. The summary should probably be read first, to get an idea of some of the vocabulary.

I have tried to document everything thoroughly, but please contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Set up

If you are on the Broad server, you will need to type these commands into the shell.

use R-3.1
use Python-3.4
use Tex-Latex
use Graphviz
use ImageMagick

The Broad's version of R comes with almost every package, but you will have to install a few on your own.

  • pryr and MatrixEQTL using install.packages
  • qvalue and Rgraphviz using biocLite
  • the newest version of pheatmap using install.packages

Note that pheatmap is included in the Broad's R, but I use a feature which isn't available in the included version, so you need to upgrade to the latest version.

Running everything

The entire project is run using a Makefile. It's called GNUmakefile because I make heavy use of pattern rules, which are a GNU make extension. The main GNUmakefile sources several other makefiles, each with the suffix .mk, in the root directory. These are generally responsible for the files in the directory of the same name.

To see all the commands which were used in the project, type make -nB into the terminal. Some of these commands (the ones which create a symlink) won't work if you try to run them again, because the symlink is already there. Also, a couple of the data files were sent to me in an email, so these cannot be remade.

All the code expects to be run or sourced from the project's root directory (where this README is). Most of the scripts won't work if you try to run them from the scripts directory or anywhere else.

In any case, the code should generally not be run directly; instead you should use make somedir/somefile, where somedir/somefile is the file you want to produce (probably something in results, plots, or tables). You can use make -B to force the file to be remade, even if make thinks it's up to date.

The Rdata files in the cache folder are generally named out of a hash of the script's input data, so that if the data changes, you shouldn't need to manually delete the Rdata. However, if the script is altered significantly enough that the Rdata file needs to change, it will have to be manually deleted.

If you have just cloned this repository, you will at least need to do make data to get all the data files in place.


There are some utility functions in [utils/load_data.R] ( which load all the data in the project and format it into either data.tables, or matrices with patients as rows and features as columns. Details about these functions are in the comments in the file, and there are numerous examples of their usage in the scripts folder. In general, they are the preferred method of accessing the raw data, rather than loading the files in the data directory.

Most of the scripts make use of the data.table R package, which can manipulate large data sets orders of magnitude faster than data.frame in base R. All of the data.frame operations also work on data.tables.

Folder structure

Each folder has its own README listing all the files contained in it.

data contains all the raw data.

scripts contains all the top-level scripts used to generate results and plots.

utils contains library functions and utilities that are called by scripts.

results contains unprocessed results (mostly in TSV format), such as lists of all QTLs.

plots and tables contain figures and summary tables.

cache is used to store .RData files so that scripts can be run more quickly subsequent times.

doc contains presentation material.


There are a few things I would like to have done differently in this project, and that might trip up somebody trying to take over. These are documented here.

A lot of the analyses remove 10 principal components from the gene expression, acetylation, and methylation data. This is intended to remove broad effects and get the data down to the level where genetic factors have an effect. However, the number 10 is arbitrary and was chosen based on visual inspection of [this plot] ( Unfortunately, instead of making a global script containing the number 10, I put it at the top of basically every analysis file. If you come up with a more rigorous way of deciding how many PCs to remove, pretty much every script will need to be modified.

Most of the analyses are done in the same scripts as make the plots, meaning that the raw results are not stored anywhere. For example, the individual p-values for each mediation test are thrown away after the plot of the calls is made. In order to get at these results, you'll have to open up the script that makes the relevant plot and save an intermediate data object. The results that are used in multiple places are saved in the results directory.

The documentation isn't too reproducible. The presentation (in the doc folder) can be made with make, but the numbers in the text may not match the numbers in the figures, and some of the figures have been modified since and might not fit very well on the slides anymore. The poster isn't even in the repo, because I got lazy. The summary document on the github wiki also has most of the numbers typed out by hand.


Rotation with Mostafavi lab.






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