2.8.1 Fix bull queue job publishing
2.8.0 Add ability to run jobs on demand (#211) - thanks @bvallelunga!
2.7.1 Fix add job functionality (#197) - thanks @bogdan!
2.7.0 Job logs show up for bull queue jobs (#201) - thanks @ganeshcse2991!
2.6.4 Fix circular dependency issue when viewing failed jobs (#183) - thanks @ghmeier!
2.6.3 Pull in handlebars security advisory patch (#168) - thanks @pklingem!
2.6.2 Fix "add job" vendor/API path when basePath is set (#157) - thanks, @jacobpgn
2.6.1 Hot patch: commit /vendor assets to fix new UI.
2.6.0 Add the ability to add jobs via Arena (#55/#153) - thanks, @krazyjakee!
2.5.4 Upgrade handlerbars-helpers to fix flagged vulnerability (#151) - thanks, @eeVoskos!
2.5.3 Fix
reference (#146) - thanks @anurag-rai! -
2.5.2 Support custom job IDs in arena (#126) - thanks @gcox!
2.5.1 Upgrade nodemon to avoid the vulnerable event-stream (#136)
2.5.0 Support redis over TLS. (#122) - thanks @timcosta!
2.4.5 Allow the package to be once again installed using Yarn (#99)
2.4.4 deyarn
2.4.3 Fix progress indicator for Bill 3.x bee-queue#96
2.4.2 Fix XSS issue bee-queue#84 (thanks @ohwillie)
2.4.1 Fix regression where 'url' parameter wasn't respected (#85 - @ohwillie)
2.4.0 Custom Redis configurations and documentation improvements (#81 - @vhf)
2.3.1 UI improvement: add syntax highlighting to JSON - thanks @emhagman!
2.3.0 Upgraded Bull to v3.3.7
2.2.2 Include name in description per #74.
2.2.1 Fixed links in interface
2.2.0 Added
coneection parameter. -
2.1.3 Fixed issue where progress bar didn't work in Bull in Bull
2.1.2 Fixed issue where paging wasn't working in Bull
2.0.0 Added support for Bee Queue
1.0.0 Initial release