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This extension adds your favorite Xcode keyboard shortcuts to Visual Studio Code!


Key Description Command
cmd+e Add selection to next find match editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch
cmd+shift+j Show active file in explorer workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer
cmd+ctrl+up Switch between header and source file C_Cpp.SwitchHeaderSource
shift+cmd+] Move to next editor workbench.action.nextEditor
shift+cmd+[ Move to previous editor workbench.action.previousEditor
cmd+shift+y Toggle panel visibility workbench.action.togglePanel
cmd+shift+o Quick open files or commands workbench.action.quickOpen
ctrl+cmd+left Navigate back workbench.action.navigateBack
ctrl+cmd+right Navigate forward workbench.action.navigateForward
cmd+1 Open Explorer view workbench.view.explorer
cmd+2 Open Search view
cmd+3 Open Source Control view workbench.view.scm
cmd+4 Open Debug view workbench.view.debug
cmd+5 Open Extensions view workbench.view.extensions
cmd+r Start debug (when not in debug mode) workbench.action.debug.start
cmd+r Restart debug (when in debug mode) workbench.action.debug.restart
cmd+. Stop debug (when in debug mode) workbench.action.debug.stop
cmd+b Run build task
cmd+u Run test task workbench.action.tasks.test
cmd+0 Toggle sidebar visibility workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility
ctrl+right Move cursor word part right (when text input has focus) cursorWordPartRight
shift+ctrl+right Select word part right (when text input has focus) cursorWordPartRightSelect
ctrl+left Move cursor word part start left (when text input has focus) cursorWordPartStartLeft
shift+ctrl+left Select word part start left (when text input has focus) cursorWordPartStartLeftSelect
ctrl+backspace Delete word part left (when text input has focus and editor is not readonly) deleteWordPartLeft
shift+ctrl+backspace Delete word part right (when text input has focus and editor is not readonly) deleteWordPartRight
alt+cmd+left Fold code editor.fold
alt+cmd+right Unfold code editor.unfold
alt+cmd+[ Move lines up editor.action.moveLinesUpAction
alt+cmd+] Move lines down editor.action.moveLinesDownAction
alt+up Move cursor to start of line (when text input has focus) cursorHome
alt+down Move cursor to end of line (when text input has focus) cursorEnd
ctrl+cmd+e Change all occurrences (when editor has focus and is not readonly) editor.action.changeAll
enter Accept selected suggestion (when suggestion widget is visible and editor has focus) acceptSelectedSuggestion
ctrl+shift+up Insert cursor above (when editor has focus) editor.action.insertCursorAbove
ctrl+shift+down Insert cursor below (when editor has focus) editor.action.insertCursorBelow
cmd+l Go to specific line (when text input has focus) workbench.action.gotoLine
cmd+d Duplicate selection (when editor has focus) editor.action.duplicateSelection
ctrl+i Reindent selected lines (when editor has focus and support for the language) editor.action.reindentselectedlines
ctrl+cmd+j Reveal definition (when editor has definition provider and focus) editor.action.revealDefinition

Is your favorite shortcut missing?

Feel free to contribute by creating a pull request!

  1. Go to GitHub repository

  2. Open package.json

  3. Scroll down to contributes.keybindings

                "contributes": {
                    "keybindings": [
  4. Add your shortcut to contributes.keybindings for example:

            "key": "command+my-awesome-hotkey",
            "command": "editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch"

    You can read more about what VSCode commands are available to you here

  5. Open a pull request.