A Snakemake workflow for performing differential expression analyses (DEA) of sc/snRNA-seq data powered by the R package Seurat's functions FindMarkers and FindAllMarkers.
We provide a subset of cells from the following human T-Cell dataset as test case for the workflow:
Cano-Gamez, E., Soskic, B., Roumeliotis, T.I. et al. Single-cell transcriptomics identifies an effectorness gradient shaping the response of CD4+ T cells to cytokines. Nat Commun 11, 1801 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15543-y
This work examines the transcriptional patterns of human naïve and memory CD4+ T cells to show that responses to cytokines differ substantially between these cell types. The analysis of the different data modalities is documented in the following repository: https://github.com/eddiecg/T-cell-effectorness
The folder test_data contains two sets of files starting with "Memory_Tcells" and "Naive_Tcells". The "counts.rds" files contain a raw count matrix and the "metadata.csv" the corresponding metadata annotation for the cells in the count matrix. Each count matrix and metadata table can be combined into a Seurat object as starting point for the workflow.
The workflow perfroms the following steps.
- Differential Expression Analysis (DEA)
- using Seurat's FindMarkers or FindAllMarkers depending on the configuration (CSV)
- feature list per comparison group and direction (up/down) for downstream analysis (eg enrichment analysis) (TXT)
- (optional) feature score tables (with two columns: "feature" and "score") per comparison group using {score_formula} for downstream analyses (eg preranked enrichment analysis) (CSV).
- DEA result statistics: number of statistically significant results split by positive (up) and negative (down) change (CSV)
- DEA result filtering by
- statistical significance (adjusted p-value)
- effect-size (log 2 fold change)
- expression (minimum percentage of expression) in one of the comparison groups
- Log Fold Change (LFC) matrix of filtered features by comparison groups (CSV)
- Visualizations
- all and filtered DEA result statistics: number of features and direction (stacked Bar plots)
- Volanco plot per comparison with configured cutoffs for statistical significance and effect-size
- Clustered Heatmaps of the LFC matrix
Detailed specifications can be found here ./config/README.md
This project wouldn't be possible without the following software and their dependencies:
Software | Reference (DOI) |
EnhancedVolcano | https://doi.org/10.18129/B9.bioc.EnhancedVolcano |
ggplot2 | https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/ |
patchwork | https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=patchwork |
pheatmap | https://cran.r-project.org/package=pheatmap |
Seurat | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2021.04.048 |
Snakemake | https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.29032.2 |
- adapted from the dea_seurat by Stephan Reichl