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Hélio Guilherme edited this page Dec 25, 2019 · 37 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

A place to have questions and solutions.

1. Q: On MacOS double and single quotes are replaced by invalid characters, how to fix?

A: You have to disable auto-correction in MacOS System Preferences. See Issue #1949

2. Q: In the newest versions of RIDE (1.7.4) and with Robot Framework 3.1.2, when I edit a Test Suite having : FOR, then, when is executed, appears the following error: FOR loop contains no keywords.. How to fix this?

A: Robot Framework is tolerant to the old : FOR format, and the test suite can be executed correctly. However, when the file is edited in RIDE, it looses the old style formatting, so you must add the terminating END.

In the next images you can see how is shown the old and new styles (the Code Editor is showing the file not formatted):

Old FOR in Text Editor Old FOR in Grid Editor

Then it must be changed to: New FOR in Text Editor New FOR in Grid Editor

3. Q: I installed RIDE, on Python 3.7 but it does not start, see below the error. How to start RIDE?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Python37\Scripts\", line 21, in <module>
    from robotide import main
ImportError: No module named robotide

A: A possible way to start RIDE is:

python -m robotide.__init__

You can then go to Tools>Create RIDE Desktop Shortcut, or run the shortcut creation script with:

python -m robotide.postinstall -install

4. Q: How can I preserve the Log.html and Report.html from different test runs, preferably with a timestamp?

A: You should use the robot option for the output directory (-d) in the arguments text field. See Issue #1891

See below an example for Windows, using date formatting in the current test directory:

-d ./%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%

The similar result in Linux or MacOS can be obtained with the date command:

-d `date +%F_%X`

5. Q: On Windows, when running test suites with Asian characters on filenames or paths, the Output and Log panels show those characters with ??. How to fix?

A: The problem happens because Windows does not use UTF-8 encoding (there are many different encodings), we don't have an easy solution to fix. You can create a command file, for example, C:\Python37\Scripts\ride.cmd with the following content:

@echo off
C:\Python37\python.exe -m robotide.__init__  %*
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