Color CLI logs and more. Lightweight and simple, mainly achieved via ANSI escape codes. For updated version, license and author information, see ColorDebug.h.
Requirements: CMake 2.8.12.
Possible usages:
Install system-wide:
mkdir -p ~/repos && cd ~/repos && git clone && mkdir -p color-debug/build && cd color-debug/build && cmake .. && sudo make install
. In CMake, you may load it withfind_package(COLOR_DEBUG)
and thentarget_link_libraries(myTarget ROBOTICSLAB::ColorDebug)
. -
Use externally: Skipping final
sudo make install
step, perform commands described above. Set theCOLOR_DEBUG_DIR
environment variable to yourbuild
path (optional,color-debug
will store this path in the user registry for use by everycmake
run). In CMake, you may load it withfind_package(COLOR_DEBUG)
and thentarget_link_libraries(myTarget ROBOTICSLAB::ColorDebug)
. -
As part of another project: copy this repository to the desired location inside your source tree, make it discoverable by CMake (traverse its tree with
) and addtarget_link_libraries(myTarget ROBOTICSLAB::ColorDebug)
as usual. -
(discontinued, last working commit was 5b8c9fd) Pulled by YCM. This is the
file we use atkinematics-dynamics
:include(YCMEPHelper) ycm_ep_helper(COLOR_DEBUG TYPE GIT STYLE GITHUB REPOSITORY roboticslab-uc3m/color-debug.git TAG master) # Include path to ColorDebug.h. ExternalProject_Get_Property(COLOR_DEBUG INSTALL_DIR) include_directories(${INSTALL_DIR}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) # CMake has not downloaded color-debug yet (this happens on build step). if(NOT COLOR_DEBUG_FOUND) message(STATUS "Build COLOR_DEBUG target and configure project again to make advanced CD options available on UI.") else() # Load COLOR_DEBUGConfig.cmake, which in turn includes ColorDebugOptions.cmake. find_package(COLOR_DEBUG QUIET) endif()
Additionally, for every library or executable target that needs
, you must useadd_dependencies(my_target COLOR_DEBUG)
. If you want to search for system-availablecolor-debug
first, add this to your rootCMakeLists.txt
after callingfind_or_build_package(COLOR_DEBUG)
You can enable or disable specific features of color-debug by manipulating the corresponding CMake options. See cmake/ColorDebugOptions.cmake for details.
This utility adheres to the informal NO_COLOR
standard, that is, ANSI color escape codes will not be generated in your ColorDebug-dependent project if the NO_COLOR
environmental variable is defined (regardless of its value).
- Much larger and known project: