A protoc plugin for generating a twirp client suitable for browser and node.js projects.
There are two options when generating the client code:
- Generate code directly into an existing typescript project with a compilation and build process already in place.
- Generate a standalone npm package that can be published with the compiled javascript and typings.
The protobuf v3 compiler is required. You can get the latest precompiled binary for your system here:
While not required for generating the client code, it is required to run the server component of the example.
go get github.com/twitchtv/twirp/protoc-gen-twirp
go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
Both a Promise and fetch implementation must be provided.
Promise should be a polyfill, while the fetch implementation is directly provided to services as a constructor argument.
Providing the fetch function directly to the service is intentional, since it allows for custom fetch implementations that will automatically handle concerns such as authentication and logging.
IMPORTANT: For browser environments use the following pattern to prevent an error like Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': Illegal invocation
const haberdasher = new Haberdasher('http://localhost:8080', window.fetch.bind(window));
Suggested polyfills for cross browser and node.js support:
go get -u go.larrymyers.com/protoc-gen-twirp_typescript
protoc --twirp_typescript_out=./example/ts_client ./example/service.proto
All generated files will be placed relative to the specified output directory for the plugin.
This is different behavior than the twirp Go plugin, which places the files relative to the input proto files.
This decision is intentional, since only client code is generated, and the destination is likely somewhere different than the server code.
Using the Twirp hashberdasher proto:
import 'isomorphic-fetch';
import {Haberdasher} from 'service';
const haberdasher = new Haberdasher('http://localhost:8080', fetch);
haberdasher.makeHat({inches: 10})
.then((hat) => {
.catch((err) => {
The plugin parameters should be added in the same manner as other protoc plugins. Key/value pairs separated by a single equal sign, and multiple parameters comma separated.
If you'd like to publish the generated code as an npm package then use this parameter to set the name in the package.json file. An index module will be created that will expose all exported interfaces and classes.
protoc --twirp_typescript_out=package_name=haberdasher:./example/ts_client ./example/service.proto
Run the server:
make run
go run cmd/haberdasher/main.go
In a new terminal run the client:
cd example/ts_client
npm install && npm run prepare
node main.js