A repository of macOS .mobileconfig Profiles for a myriad of system and user preferences
In my struggles to understand and deploy profiles back in 2016 led me to create a master template that is clear to understand and reproducible for many different system and application settings.
Containing commentary on each section this is a great way for first timers in the world of management profiles.
The MasterProfileTemplate.mobileconfig can be deployed as is by simply replacing the indicated relevant areas to what your profile is to accomplish. Save it as a .mobileconfig and deploy it. Keep the comments in place if you’d like, it works perfectly fine with them included.
All of our profiles come from this master standard template. It's an artisanal process that we will probably automate more in the future.
Helpful software: https://imazing.com/profile-editor
Checks all the opening and closing dict, arrays, etc and other formatting errors in plists.
plutil -lint /path/to/Profile.plist
Use /usr/bin/profiles
-P see all profiles aggregated
-L see only user profiles
-D removes all profiles
-I installs profiles deprecated
-R removes profiles
-s install at the next boot
-p to manage profiles from Profile Manager or pushed with Munki.
Clean up a Profile downloaded from ProfileManager from a single line to proper xml plist format
plutil -convert binary1 /path/to/Profile.mobileconfig
plutil -convert xml1 /path/to/Profile.mobileconfig