Stream music from NAS using album organization.
Command Syntax:
yass [-c ] [-a ] [-l ] [-m ] [-p] [-q] [-r]
, -a, and -l arguments can be perl regex or simple string
In program control keys:
n - Next LP
t - Next Track
x - Exit
This is the basis of a music streamer that is album centric. The audio database for this tool is pure directory sructure hierarchy based:
Where classification can be aribitrary groups. I use Jazz, Classical, Jam, and Rock but the names are arbitrary, use any categories you like. The directory based approch makes things easier when using simple FAT file table based play order on older or more simple players.
For now, there is only provision for FLAC audio but other formats can be added.
I like to listen to music one album (or CD :D) at a time and this takes extra effort with all the different streaming tools I've tried. I don't like managing play lists or music libraries. I don't need album art and I don't need a way to fast forward or re-wind inside a track.
The goal is to have a web front end that help manage things but for now, album_streamer loops though all music in randomized (-r) or alphabetical album order.
Requires Proc::Killfam from Proc::ProcessTable Term::ReadKey Time::HiRes
Use 'export AUDIODEV=hw:' to select sound card for sox playback.