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Mongo Snippets

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vscode-id: roerohan.mongo-snippets-for-node-js

This Visual Studio Code extension is built for Node-js projects. It provides:

  • Code Snippets for MongoDB Connection and queries.
  • Command Palette Feature to Set up Boilerplate Code.
  • Completion Suggestions for Mongoose Models.
  • Mongo Connect directly from the editor.


Table of Contents:


Command Palette:

Note: Ctrl+Shift+P or Command+Shift+P opens Command Palette in VSCode.

  • Mongo Snippets: Refer to Mongoose Documentation

  • Mongo Snippets: Refer to Extension Documentation

  • Mongo Snippets: Set up Mongo Boilerplate Code

    • Creates folders named routes and models - if they do not exist - in the source directory, and adds files containing boilerplate code.
  • Mongo Snippets: Show Existing Models

    • Shows a list of names of models present in the models folder in the source directory.
    • Highlights the model definition in the file where it had been created.
  • Mongo Snippets: View MongoDB Collection as JSON

Note: This is a beta feature and will be receive updates soon.

  • Connect to a MongoDB instance using a connection string and view a DB as a JSON.

Completion Suggestions:

Note: See User's Notes for details.

  • Model name suggestions:
    • First it identifies the names of the models in a folder named models (if any) in the source directory.
    • It stores the model and field names and provides completion suggestions when you type.
    • Suggests field names for models. E.G. if the model User has a field name, on typing User., name is suggested.
    • Field names are also suggested inside {...}.


The following are some of the snippets that can be generated with this extension.

Note: Type the following snippets and press 'Tab' OR 'Ctrl/Command + Space; Enter' for auto-completion.

Type/No. Snippet Stands For Function
1. !mdbc MongoDB Connect MongoDB connect on port 27017
2. !mdbgum MongoDB Generate User Model Generate typical user model
3. !mdba MongoDB Aggregate Model.aggregate query
4. !mdbcd MongoDB CountDocuments Model.countDocuments query
5. !mdbmr MongoDB MapReduce Model.mapReduce query
6. !mdbp MongoDB Populate Model.populate query
7. !mdbbw MongoDB BulkWrite Model.bulkWrite query
1. !mdbcr MongoDB Create Model.create query
2. !mdbcc MongoDB CreateCollection Model.createCollection query
3. !mdbim MongoDB InsertMany Model.insertMany query
1. !mdbf MongoDB Find Model.find query
2. !mdbfo MongoDB FindOne Model.findOne query
3. !mdbfbi MongoDB FindById Model.findById query
1. !mdbro MongoDB ReplaceOne Model.replaceOne query
1. !mdbfoau MongoDB FindOneAndUpdate Model.findOneAndUpdate query
2. !mdbuo MongoDB UpdateOne Model.updateOne query
3. !mdbum MongoDB UpdateMany Model.updateMany query
1. !mdbfoad MongoDB FindOneAndDelete Model.findOneAndDelete query
2. !mdbdo MongoDB DeleteOne Model.deleteOne query
3. !mdbdm MongoDB DeleteMany Model.deleteMany query
Methods and Statics:
1. !mdbmethod MongoDB Methods schema.methods.function
2. !mdbstatic MongoDB Statics schema.statics.function


There are no dependencies for this extension to work, but it provides mongoose-js snippets, hence mongoose should be installed.

  • mongoose library from npm. This can be installed by executing the following command in the folder where 'package.json' is present.
npm install mongoose

Make sure mongoose is added as a dependency in package.json


Please report issues on vscode-MongoSnippets-NodeJS.

User's Notes

Source Directory

  • The source directory, as mentioned multiple times, is by default the root directory of your workspace. It can be modified by adding the following to .vscode/settings.json in your workspace root directory.
   "mongosnippets": {
      "sourceDir": "src"
  • The above line changes the source directory from the root directory of the workspace to a folder named src in the root directory.


  • The boilerplate is set up in the source directory of the workspace. In order to set up the boilerplate code in a certain directory, that directory must be open in a new workspace. (Open the folder you want the boilerplate code in with VSCode).

  • Model name suggestions are only given for those models defined in files present in a directory called models in the source directory of the workspace. Folders with other names are not checked, hence models defined in them will not show up as suggestions.

  • In files where models are described, to be able to detect the models, mongoose must be imported as mongoose only. For example,

    • const mongoose = require('mongoose');
    • import mongoose from 'mongoose';
  • The model must be created in the models folder as follows:

    • const modelName = mongoose.model('modelName', modelSchema)
  • Mongo Snippets: See Existing Models command shows models only in the source directory of the workspace.

  • For field name suggestions, each model should be exported in a seperate file, and the file should not have errors.

Release Notes

These are the release notes for mongo-snippets-for-node-js.


  • Fix:
    • Bump lodash to newer version.


  • Fix:
    • GitHub release action issues fixed.


  • Feat:
    • GitHub release action added.


  • Feat:
    • Use VSCE to publish.
    • Publish using GitHub actions.


  • Fix:
    • CompletionItemProvider code optimization.
    • General working of the extension.


  • Feat:

    • Get sourceDir from .vscode/settings.json under key mongosnippets.
  • Fix:

    • Set up boilerplate, make folders awaited.


  • Refactor:

    • Lots of code refactor, remove lint warnings and errors.
    • Code quality improvements.
  • Feat:

    • Code should run faster now.
    • Should take lesser processing power.
    • Typescript support for existing features.


You can contribute to mongo-snippets-for-node-js on the GitHub page vscode-MongoSnippets-NodeJS. Checkout for further details.


Click the following hyperlink to view the license.

For more information

You can checkout the source code and contribute on:


Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Rohan Mukherjee

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸš‡

Anmol Singhal

πŸ’» πŸ“–

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!