Create anki cards and decks on the fly. Should work with most card types/models but only tested with "Basic" and "Cloze" cards. It is also possible to add code blocks with the right anki plugin. At the moment it only supports "Highlight Code" with the plugin number "112228974" simply because I'm using it.
- Neovim >= 0.8.0
- plenary.nvim
- AnkiConnect
- curl
- dressing.nvim -> nicer ui for and vim.ui.input
- telescope.nvim or fzf.vim -> use a telescope/fzf picker for
- nvim-markdown or similar
- Highlight Code(Plugin)
I use packer but any plugin manager should work. Check the documentation of yours.
Open Anki, Anki has to be running and AnkiConnect has to be installed for the plugin to work! Open Neovim and use one of the commands below.
- Anki -> choose deck and card type/model
- AnkiBasic -> choose deck and use "Basic" card
- AnkiCloze -> choose deck and use "Cloze" card
- AnkiReverse -> choose deck and use "Basic (and reverse card)" card
You can add a new deck by choosing "Add Deck" in the deck select menu and a prompt for a new name will appear. If you used Anki command it will than prompt to choose a type/model. Than a floating window will open with markdown set as filetype. It will contain the card type/model appropriate fields.
Same as in markdown.
local function foo()
- Quit --> Esc
- Quit --> q
- Save --> Shift+s
Both in normal mode.