This role installs the prometheus operator of the core os team. It also installs a prometheus cluster to monitor the kubernetes cluster. For this it installs the following:
- kube-state-metrics
- node-exporter
- Some kubernetes services to expose the controller manager and the scheduler
- grafana instance with some default dashboard
- prometheus cluster
- alert manager
A working kubernetes cluster, starting from 1.6.* RBAC enabled.
- cluster_context: the cluster context you want to use
- cluster_namespace: the namespace to deploy in
- prometheus_memory: The memory you want to give the prometheus instances, standard it is 3Gi see documentation
- prometheus_storage: The storage you want to give the prometheus instances
- prometheus_storage_class: The storage class to use for prometheus storage, please use at least an ssd as this is a time series database
- prometheus_retention: a retention period to keep the data specified in hours
- alertmanagerconfig: A yaml configuration that is stored in the alert managers
TO add new rules we can add new configmaps in the same namespace. These configmaps should have the labels:
role: prometheus-rulefiles
prometheus: k8s
The new alerts will be picked up automatically when having these labels.
- Postgres: if you choose to use Grafana with database backend.
To add a grafana dashboard create your dashboard in grafana, export it and copy it in a json file. Add the following block on the bottom:
"inputs": [
"name": "DS_PROMETHEUS",
"pluginId": "prometheus",
"type": "datasource",
"value": "prometheus"
"overwrite": true
This is to set the input of the dashboard to prometheus. Then add the dashboard json file to the grafana.yml in tasks.
Stijn De Haes <[email protected]>