Framework is not ready for production use yet.
- Modular/Component design
- Dependency Injection
- Route
- Template engine
- Events (Pub/Sub)
- Behaviors
- TimestampBehavior
- SluggableBehavior
- ...
- Action filters
- AccessFilter,
- VerbFilter,
- ContentNegotiatorFilter,
- RateLimiter
- ...
- Many different helpers
- StringHelper
- NumericHelper
- ArrayHelper
- ...
- Url Builder
- DateTime Builder
- Request
- Response + Formatters
- HtmlResponseFormatter
- JsonResponseFormatter
- XmlResponseFormatter
- RssResponseFormatter
- SitemapResponseFormatter
- Session
- Cookie
- i18n
- Sanitization
- Validation
- Security + CSRF
- RBAC (local or DB)
- Exception + Logger + Tracing
- Cache (option)
- File storage
- Memcached
- Redis
- Couchbase
- APCu
- Image (option)
- File Manager + Upload File (option)
- Markdown (option)
- Sphinx API/ORM (option)
- Morphy API (option)
- MongoDB ODM (option)
- OAuth/OAuth2 clients
- Message queue services (option)
- ZeroMQ
- RabbitMQ
- Gearman
From the Command Line:
composer require romeoz/rock:*@dev
In your composer.json:
"require": {
"romeoz/rock": "*@dev"
####1. Docker + Ansible
- Install Docker or askubuntu
docker run -d -p 8080:80 romeoz/rock-app-basic
- Open demo http://localhost:8080/
####2. VirtualBox + Vagrant + Ansible
composer create-project --prefer-dist romeoz/rock-app-basic:*@dev
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant, and additional Vagrant plugins
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater vagrant-vbguest vagrant-cachier
vagrant up
- Open demo http://rock-basic/ or
Work/editing the project can be done via ssh:
vagrant ssh
cd /var/www/rock-basic
- PHP 5.4+
- MySQL 5.5+
The Rock PHP Framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.