This plugin provides compact, intuitive syntax for media queries based on maximum and minimum viewport width and height.
$ npm install postcss-compact-mq
postcss([ require('postcss-compact-mq')(options) ])
// input.css
@media <=1024px >768px {/*...*/}
// output.css
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 769px) {/*...*/}
You can omit units: the plugin automatically converts unitless values into pixels:
@media <=1024 >768 {...}
If media type is omitted, it will be resolved as screen
. You can change default media type value via options.
Important note: unlike previous version of this plugin, commas now represent 'OR' operator, not 'AND', which is closer to the standard and lets you write more flexible constructions.
// input.css
@media print, >1024px, all <=768 {/*...*/}
// output.css
@media print, screen and (min-width: 1025px), all and (max-width: 768px) {/*...*/}
In expressions like h<=1024
or h>768
height media feature will be resolved as max-height
of min-height
@media all h>768 {/*...*/}
@media all and (min-height: 769px) {/*...*/}
Expressions like <=1024
and w<=1024
are identical.
You can create an at-rule containing aliases for any breakpoints, for example:
@breakpoints {
desktop: 1024px;
tablet: 768;
@media <=desktop h>tablet {...}
You can place the alias for a whole media query in a separate at-rule:
@breakpoints {
desktop: 1024;
phone: 480px;
@media-queries {
tablet: <=desktop >phone;
...and use it somewhere in your stylesheets:
@media tablet {...}
You can combine aliases with any other legit expressions. E.g.:
// input.css
@media tablet, print, all h<480 {/*...*/}
// output.css
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 481px), print, all and (max-height: 479px) {/*...*/}
: media type which is used when media type in expression is omitted. Default value: screen
This plugin was inspired by awesome Sass library include-media by Eduardo Bouças and Hugo Giraudel.