Golang library for manipulation of SGF trees (i.e. Go / Weiqi / Baduk kifu). Some auto-generated documentation is available for the various methods, etc, at GoDoc.
- A tree is just a bunch of nodes connected together.
- Nodes have 0 or more keys. Keys have 1 or more values. Keys and values are always strings.
- Nodes also have a parent node (possibly nil), and 0 or more child nodes.
- Boards are generated only as needed, and cached.
- Nodes are generally created by playing a move at an existing node.
- Functions that want a point expect it to be an SGF-string e.g.
is the top-left hoshi. - Such strings can be produced with
- the numbers are zeroth based. - Escaping of
characters is handled invisibly to the user at file load/save.
- If a board cache becomes invalid, internally we must call
. - For weird encodings (e.g. not utf-8), some potential problems if a character contains a
package main
import (
func main() {
// Start a new game tree and get the root node...
root := sgf.NewTree(19)
node := root
// Here we create the ancient Chinese pattern...
node.AddValue("AB", sgf.Point(3, 3))
node.AddValue("AB", sgf.Point(15, 15))
node.AddValue("AW", sgf.Point(15, 3))
node.AddValue("AW", sgf.Point(3, 15))
// The normal way to create new nodes is by playing moves.
// If successful, Play() returns the new node.
node, err := node.Play("cf") // "cf" is SGF-speak
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err) // Prints nil (no error)
// We can get an SGF coordinate (e.g. "cf") by calling Point().
// Note that the coordinate system is zeroth-based, from the top left.
node, err = node.Play(sgf.Point(2, 5))
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err) // Already filled
// Illegal moves (including suicide and basic ko) will return an error.
// As a convenience, Play() returns the original node in this case.
// You may still wish to check for errors...
node, err = node.Play(sgf.Point(19, 19))
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err) // Off-board
// We can create variations from any node.
node = node.Parent()
node.Play(sgf.Point(13, 2)) // Create variation 1
node.Play(sgf.Point(16, 5)) // Create variation 2
// Colours are determined intelligently, but we can always force a colour.
node.PlayColour(sgf.Point(2, 5), sgf.WHITE) // Create variation 3
// We can iterate through a node's children.
for i, child := range node.Children() {
child.SetValue("C", fmt.Sprintf("Comment %d", i))
// And we can go down those variations if we wish.
// (Errors ignored here for simplicity.)
node, _ = node.Play(sgf.Point(5, 16)) // Create variation 4 and go down it
node, _ = node.Play(sgf.Point(2, 12)) // ...continue going down it
node, _ = node.Play(sgf.Point(3, 17)) // ...continue going down it
// Passes are a thing.
// Doing the same action on the same node many times just returns the first-created child each time.
foo := node.Pass()
bar := node.Pass() // Does not create a new node
node = node.Pass() // Does not create a new node
fmt.Printf("%v, %v\n", foo == bar, bar == node) // true, true
// We can directly manipulate SGF properties...
// We can also examine the board.
node.SetValue("C", "White passed. Lets highlight all white stones for some reason...")
board := node.Board() // Note that this is a deep copy
for x := 0; x < board.Size; x++ {
for y := 0; y < board.Size; y++ {
if board.State[x][y] == sgf.WHITE {
node.AddValue("TR", sgf.Point(x, y))
// It is also possible to directly manage node creation and properties,
// though this has no legality checks...
node = sgf.NewNode(node) // Specify the parent
node.AddValue("B", "dj")
// It is possible to edit board-altering properties even if a node has
// children. All cached boards in descendent nodes will be cleared, and
// remade as needed.
root.AddValue("AB", "jj") // Editing the root.
node, err = node.Play("jj") // Trying to play at the current node.
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err) // Prints the err: jj is not empty.
// We can adjust the tree so this branch we are on is the main line...
// Calling SGF() will return the SGF of the tree as a string.
// Calling Save() will save the entire tree, regardless of node position.
// We can also load files.
node, err = sgf.Load("foo.sgf")