Updates to v0.5 in response to rOpenSci review 2nd round. Mostly improvements in documentation and help files, and a change to display_plate functions to make more general and more specialised versions.
- Added missing files to .Rbuildignore and changed references to licence, version and depends in DESCRIPTION ewallace@fa29569
- made packages explicit in tests ewallace@d31933b
- getting started moved in readme c05f925
- Added top-level help-file 98f930b
- Adds read_qpcr_data.R tests f5816f1
- Removes {lifecycle} from description da45200
- Address spelling errors cfe2e7c and 8f354b5
- calculate_dydx_1 to calculate_dydx 45649a1
- changes label_plate_rowcol warnings to notes ba1eb67
- changes display_plate_qpcr() to enable display_plate() to be more general bd482f2. Older code will need to use display_plate_qpcr to ensure that sample_id and target_id info displays.
- improved plot_helpers.R styling 55f4ca5
- Adds basic usage to the Readme 25bed2d
- Updates pkgdown website b88ed9f