Unless you're looking to build an api or a command line application - no matter how small your project is or how big it grows - this is a general purpose starting point for pretty much every symfony project containing:
- separated frontend & backend & general webpack configurations (frontend & backend with tailwindcss setup)
- LiipImagineBundle preconfigured (including one image-style 'background_image')
- basic template structure (frontend, backend) with related base-templates.
- cssnano minification for assets on production builds
- PagesController with Http-Caching and Sitemap settings
composer create-project roromedia/symfony-starter my_project_folder
cd my_project_folder
cp .env .env.local
composer install
npm install && npm run build
# if using yarn
#yarn install --force && yarn build
# only for production
symfony console cache:clear
symfony console cache:warmup
# only for development
symfony serve -d