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Stager is a GTK3 GUI for your Python functions to be used during enrolment.

It's simple, the function it calls must return a bool and the row is updated accordingly.

Most of the settings are defaulted but can be easily modified in the config.json file.

For more screenshots visit the experience page

How to install it

git clone <stager url>

pip -e ./stager

How to launch it


or optionally with config

stager --config config.json

How to auto launch it

The easiest way is to create a sudoers file and an autolaunch file

  • Create a sudoers file that allows it to run as root

echo "staging ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/python3" >> /etc/sudoers.d/cpe-stage

chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/cpe-stage

⚠️ Make sure you remove this file as part of staging or afterwards with your management tools

  • Create an application auto launch file

mkdir -p /home/staging/.config/autostart

touch /home/staging/.config/autostart/cpe-stage.desktop

chown 1000 /home/staging/.config/autostart/cpe-stage.desktop

nano /home/staging/.config/autostart/cpe-stage.desktop

  • Paste in


[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sudo /usr/local/bin/stager
Name[en_US]=CPE Stage
Name=CPE Stage

Disable gnome setup application

touch /home/staging/.config/gnome-initial-setup-done

chown 1000 /home/staging/.config/gnome-initial-setup-done

Launch arguments

Argument Type Description
--debug Increase logging verbosity
--config Use a custom config file
--auto Automatically advance through the pages
Testing only Only use for testing, not in prod
--page str Open a specific page on launch
--username str Specify a username to be used
--password str Specify a password to be used
--cryptkey str Specify a crypt key to be used

Config basic

All you need to get started is a list of python functions to run

    "tasks": [
            "os_check": {
                "name": "Check OS version",
                "icon_name": "user-desktop",
                "function": "cpe_stage.utils.os_check()",
                "error_message": "Unfortunately you're not running a supported OS version only Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and higher is supported"
            "check_network_connection": {
                "name": "Check network connectivity",
                "icon_name": "emblem-shared",
                "function": "cpe_stage.utils.check_network_connection()",
                "error_message": "📡 Please check your internet connection"

This will run the commands and if they fail stop the process.

Config advanced

The GUI uses a json config file with the following fields:

Variable name Type Description Optional Default value
Required Fields
tasks list A list of tasks to run No
name str Name of the task No
icon str Path to the image icon (16px x px) No
icon_name str Name of the system icon to use (gtk3-icon-browser) No
function str The python function to run No
returns str What the function returns Yes bool
hidden bool Hide the task from the UI Yes False
halt_on_error bool If this task fails stop staging Yes False
error_message str The message to display on the failed task window Yes None
Optional Fields
UI Variable name Type Description Optional Default value
app_title str Title for the application Yes Stager
app_icon str Filename for the icon for the application from the assets folder Yes app_icon.png
hero_logo str Filename for the logo to display from the assets folder Yes logo.png
hero_text str Text under the logo Yes None
always_on_top bool Keep the window on top of all others Yes True
show_window_buttons bool Show the window decorations Yes True
progres s_percentage bool Show a % above the progress bar Yes False
show_hidden bool Show any hidden tasks Yes False
welcome_emoji str The jumboji to show on the welcome screen, this will be overridden with an image if provided Yes 💻
welcome_image str An image filename to replace the jumboji Yes None
welcome_text str The text to display at the Welcome screen Yes Welcome to your new computer!\n\nWe've got lots of work to do, click below to get started
username_text str The text to display above the username and password field. If you have the word email the placeholder will change to Email address Yes Enter a username and password for your new local account
username_icon str The Gtk icon name to show next to the username text Yes user-info
encryption_text str The text to display above the disk encryption field Yes Enter a new disk encryption password
encryption_icon str The Gtk icon name to show next to the encryption text Yes network-wireless-encrypted
finished_text_top str The text to display above the finished jumboji Yes That was easy!
finished_emoji str The emoji to show on the finished page Yes 🎉
finished_text_bottom str The text to display below the finished jumboji Yes We're all done!
finished_text_reboot str The text to show if rebooting Yes We're all done!\n\n This computer will reboot in
finished_text_quit str Show a splash screen at the end of staging Yes We're all done!
reboot_delay int How long to wait (sec) until auto reboot (requires reboot_when_done: True) Yes 5
logo_height int How high the logo should be Yes 128
logo_width int How wide the logo should be Yes 128
status_inprogress str The Gtk icon to use for the task in the state Yes gtk.spinner
status_pending str The Gtk icon to use for the task in the pending state Yes None
status_completed str The Gtk icon to use for the task in the completed state Yes emblem-default
status_failed str The Gtk icon to use for the task in the failed state Yes emblem-important
input_valid str The Gtk icon to use for the validation check pass Yes emblem-important
input_invalid str The Gtk icon to use for the validation check fail Yes emblem-important
Operational Variable name Type Description Optional Default value
asset_location str Path where all the assets are stored Yes /root/stager/assets
reboot_when_done bool Reboot when all tasks are completed Yes True
halt_on_error bool If any task fails stop staging Yes True
dry_run bool No tasks are run, True response is mocked Yes False
import_modules list A list of modules to import Yes []
Functional Variable name Type Description Optional Default value
disallowed_usernames list A list of usernames you don't want to be accepted by validation Yes ["root","admin","test","guest","administrator","user1",""]
password_minimum_length int The minimum length of a valid password Yes 6
password_mixed_case bool Should the password require mixed case Yes True
password_contains_digit bool Should the password require a digit Yes True
password_contains_special_character bool Should the password require special characters Yes True
password_deny_list list A list of passwords you don't want to be accepted by validation Yes ["root","admin","test","guest","Welcome123!","Pa55word!","Password123!",""]
crypt_key_minimum_length int The minimum length of a valid crypt key Yes 6
crypt_key_mixed_case bool Should the password require mixed case Yes True
crypt_key_contains_digit bool Should the password require a digit Yes True
crypt_key_contains_special_character bool Should the password require special characters Yes True


This tool supports two common inputs.

User input

  • Username and password

    If you have any mention of username and/or password in your python function arguments the username / password window will be shown.


    create_user(username, password)

Encryption input

  • Crypt key

    If you have any mention of crypt_key in your python function arguments the encryption password window will be shown.



Worth reading


Ubuntu Staging Util







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