Stager is a GTK3 GUI for your Python functions to be used during enrolment.
It's simple, the function it calls must return a bool
and the row is updated accordingly.
Most of the settings are defaulted but can be easily modified in the config.json
For more screenshots visit the experience page
git clone <stager url>
pip -e ./stager
or optionally with config
stager --config config.json
The easiest way is to create a sudoers file and an autolaunch file
- Create a sudoers file that allows it to run as root
echo "staging ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/python3" >> /etc/sudoers.d/cpe-stage
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/cpe-stage
- Create an application auto launch file
mkdir -p /home/staging/.config/autostart
touch /home/staging/.config/autostart/cpe-stage.desktop
chown 1000 /home/staging/.config/autostart/cpe-stage.desktop
nano /home/staging/.config/autostart/cpe-stage.desktop
- Paste in
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sudo /usr/local/bin/stager
Name[en_US]=CPE Stage
Name=CPE Stage
touch /home/staging/.config/gnome-initial-setup-done
chown 1000 /home/staging/.config/gnome-initial-setup-done
Argument | Type | Description |
--debug | Increase logging verbosity | |
--config | Use a custom config file | |
--auto | Automatically advance through the pages | |
Testing only | Only use for testing, not in prod | |
--page | str |
Open a specific page on launch |
--username | str |
Specify a username to be used |
--password | str |
Specify a password to be used |
--cryptkey | str |
Specify a crypt key to be used |
All you need to get started is a list of python functions to run
"tasks": [
"os_check": {
"name": "Check OS version",
"icon_name": "user-desktop",
"function": "cpe_stage.utils.os_check()",
"error_message": "Unfortunately you're not running a supported OS version only Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and higher is supported"
"check_network_connection": {
"name": "Check network connectivity",
"icon_name": "emblem-shared",
"function": "cpe_stage.utils.check_network_connection()",
"error_message": "📡 Please check your internet connection"
This will run the commands and if they fail stop the process.
The GUI uses a json config file with the following fields:
Variable name | Type | Description | Optional | Default value | |
Required Fields | |||||
tasks | list |
A list of tasks to run | No | ||
Tasks | |||||
name | str |
Name of the task | No | ||
icon | str |
Path to the image icon (16px x px) | No | ||
icon_name | str |
Name of the system icon to use (gtk3-icon-browser) | No | ||
function | str |
The python function to run | No | ||
returns | str |
What the function returns | Yes | bool |
hidden | bool |
Hide the task from the UI | Yes | False |
halt_on_error | bool |
If this task fails stop staging | Yes | False |
error_message | str |
The message to display on the failed task window | Yes | None |
Optional Fields | |||||
UI | Variable name | Type | Description | Optional | Default value |
app_title | str |
Title for the application | Yes | Stager |
app_icon | str |
Filename for the icon for the application from the assets folder | Yes | app_icon.png |
hero_logo | str |
Filename for the logo to display from the assets folder | Yes | logo.png |
hero_text | str |
Text under the logo | Yes | None |
always_on_top | bool |
Keep the window on top of all others | Yes | True |
show_window_buttons | bool |
Show the window decorations | Yes | True |
progres s_percentage | bool |
Show a % above the progress bar | Yes | False |
show_hidden | bool |
Show any hidden tasks | Yes | False |
welcome_emoji | str |
The jumboji to show on the welcome screen, this will be overridden with an image if provided | Yes | 💻 | |
welcome_image | str |
An image filename to replace the jumboji | Yes | None |
welcome_text | str |
The text to display at the Welcome screen | Yes | Welcome to your new computer!\n\nWe've got lots of work to do, click below to get started |
username_text | str |
The text to display above the username and password field. If you have the word email the placeholder will change to Email address |
Yes | Enter a username and password for your new local account |
username_icon | str |
The Gtk icon name to show next to the username text | Yes | user-info |
encryption_text | str |
The text to display above the disk encryption field | Yes | Enter a new disk encryption password |
encryption_icon | str |
The Gtk icon name to show next to the encryption text | Yes | network-wireless-encrypted |
finished_text_top | str |
The text to display above the finished jumboji | Yes | That was easy! |
finished_emoji | str |
The emoji to show on the finished page | Yes | 🎉 |
finished_text_bottom | str |
The text to display below the finished jumboji | Yes | We're all done! |
finished_text_reboot | str |
The text to show if rebooting | Yes | We're all done!\n\n This computer will reboot in |
finished_text_quit | str |
Show a splash screen at the end of staging | Yes | We're all done! |
reboot_delay | int |
How long to wait (sec) until auto reboot (requires reboot_when_done: True) | Yes | 5 |
logo_height | int |
How high the logo should be | Yes | 128 |
logo_width | int |
How wide the logo should be | Yes | 128 |
status_inprogress | str |
The Gtk icon to use for the task in the state | Yes | gtk.spinner |
status_pending | str |
The Gtk icon to use for the task in the pending state | Yes | None |
status_completed | str |
The Gtk icon to use for the task in the completed state | Yes | emblem-default |
status_failed | str |
The Gtk icon to use for the task in the failed state | Yes | emblem-important |
input_valid | str |
The Gtk icon to use for the validation check pass | Yes | emblem-important |
input_invalid | str |
The Gtk icon to use for the validation check fail | Yes | emblem-important |
Operational | Variable name | Type | Description | Optional | Default value |
asset_location | str |
Path where all the assets are stored | Yes | /root/stager/assets |
reboot_when_done | bool |
Reboot when all tasks are completed | Yes | True |
halt_on_error | bool |
If any task fails stop staging | Yes | True |
dry_run | bool |
No tasks are run, True response is mocked |
Yes | False |
import_modules | list |
A list of modules to import | Yes | [] |
Functional | Variable name | Type | Description | Optional | Default value |
disallowed_usernames | list |
A list of usernames you don't want to be accepted by validation | Yes | ["root","admin","test","guest","administrator","user1",""] |
password_minimum_length | int |
The minimum length of a valid password | Yes | 6 |
password_mixed_case | bool |
Should the password require mixed case | Yes | True |
password_contains_digit | bool |
Should the password require a digit | Yes | True |
password_contains_special_character | bool |
Should the password require special characters | Yes | True |
password_deny_list | list |
A list of passwords you don't want to be accepted by validation | Yes | ["root","admin","test","guest","Welcome123!","Pa55word!","Password123!",""] |
crypt_key_minimum_length | int |
The minimum length of a valid crypt key | Yes | 6 |
crypt_key_mixed_case | bool |
Should the password require mixed case | Yes | True |
crypt_key_contains_digit | bool |
Should the password require a digit | Yes | True |
crypt_key_contains_special_character | bool |
Should the password require special characters | Yes | True |
This tool supports two common inputs.
Username and password
If you have any mention of username and/or password in your python function arguments the username / password window will be shown.
create_user(username, password)
Crypt key
If you have any mention of crypt_key in your python function arguments the encryption password window will be shown.