This repository contains the basic packages to control GoPiGo3 with ROS:
- Robot model => gopigo3_description
- Fake robot => gopigo3_fake
- Physical robot => gopigo3_bringup
Learning Robotics with ROS made easy Each of the ROS packages is covering in a dedicated section.
Follow the complete guide at Learning Robotics with ROS made easy.
(This package key_teleop
is already included in this bundle of GoPiGo3, no need to install separately) Include ROS package teleop_tools for teleoperating the robot.
Whenever you want to control the robot in Gazebo or the physical GoPiGo3, launch the node as follows:
$ rosrun key_teleop /key_vel:=/cmd_vel
The package gopigo3_description
contains the URDF description of GoPiGo3 that you can use to perform simulations of the robot.
$ roslaunch gopigo3_description gopigo3_rviz.launch
- Load the current
model of the robot
- Load the current
$ roslaunch gopigo3_description gopigo3_rviz.launch gui:=True
- Plus widget to interactively rotate the right and left wheels
The package gopigo3_fake
allows to experiment with GoPiGo3 without needing the physical one. Yo can use if, for example, to explore its kinematics
$ roslaunch gopigo3_fake gopigo3_fake.launch
$ rosrun key_teleop /key_vel:=/cmd_vel
The package gopigo3_bringup
allows the user to operate the robot including the distance sensor and the servomotors of the wheels.
$ roslaunch bringup_car starter_kit.launch
for Starter Kit configuration: servomotors of the wheels + distance sensor
TEST INDIVIDUALLY for each of the involved hardware
Distance sensor:
$ roslaunch bringup_car distance_sensor.launch
- Subscribe to the topic in another terminal:
$ rostopic echo distance_sensor/distance
- Plot the graph of distance vs time in the laptop:
$ rqt_plot
and write the name of topic/distance_sensor/distance
- Subscribe to the topic in another terminal:
Drives (teleoperation)
$ roslaunch bringup_car differential_drives.launch
$ rosrun key_teleop /key_vel:=/cmd_vel