- data is fetched from an API endpoint
- data is shown in listing+detail
- 4 flavours for listing (list, gridWithName, gridWithoutName, match)
- 4 flavours for detail (hero, data, compare, match)
sprint 1
- onboarding screen
sprint 2
- list page -> set query parameter
- cupertino style?
- detail window -> related items widget
- change API endpoint window
- "add new endpoint" logic & form
- detailconfig window
- new chips, stats widgets, new fields are still not configurable
- analytics
- basic scaffolding
- add more and more
- startup
- choose last used EndPoint
- remote config with firebase
- "about this API" dialog
- app icon & splash
- list page
- empty states
- list page -> search (in results)
- toggle view list/grid
- more styles: gridWithText, gridWithoutText
- config/change API screen
- firebase remote config support
- sorted by endpoint (so that same-domain endpoints are grouped together)
- "change endpoint" to choose from a list of bundled & user API endpoints (recently used first)
- show color
- added google books API
- added (static) Planets API in 3 flavours
- added (static) Places API
- detail window
- more templates: heroStyle + compareStyle + match
- poster photos are wiser now, if the image is a png it doesn't show a border
- open main image
- images widget
- rebuild to be closer to this