This library provides a request transforming function enabling the consumption of MapboxGL Styles in MapLibreGL.
By default Mapbox styles are referenced by, and include others to mapbox URLs such as mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-streets-v11
, however MapLibreGL, since version 2, does not know how to handle these references. This library parsers the mapbox URL and converts into a valid http urls usable by MapLibreGL.
Also compatible with react-map-gl.
npm install maplibregl-mapbox-request-transformer --save
import { isMapboxURL, transformMapboxUrl } from 'maplibregl-mapbox-request-transformer'
const mapboxKey = 'pk.123'
const transformRequest = (url: string, resourceType: string) => {
if (isMapboxURL(url)) {
return transformMapboxUrl(url, resourceType, mapboxKey)
// Do any other transforms you want
return {url}
var map = new maplibregl.Map({
container: 'map',
center: [-122.420679, 37.772537],
zoom: 13,
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-streets-v11',
When upgrading from MapLibre v1 to >= v2 or react-map-gl, and using this transformer, be advised that Mapbox bills tile requests using their Vector Tiles API requests. A standard Mapbox GL JS application is billed using the Map Loads API, which includes unlimited Vector Tiles API requests (see pricing docs). This billing difference could make hosting an often-visited map more expensive. As of Feb 2023 Mapbox offers 200,000 monthly tile requests on their free tier (see their pricing page for current details).
This code was mostly taken and adpted from here.