cd librf24-rpi/librf24-bcm/ sudo python //sometime you need to use T and R in the arduino serial to start receiving packets or import rf24
- make
- swig -python -c++ RF24.i
- gcc -fPIC -c RF24_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.7
- gcc -lstdc++ -shared bcm2835.o RF24.o RF24_wrap.o -o
you will also need to install the following packages (once):
- sudo apt-get install python-dev
- sudo apt-get install swig
look at for an example
Design Goals: This library is designed to be...
- Maximally compliant with the intended operation of the chip
- Easy for beginners to use
- Consumed with a public interface that's similiar to other Arduino standard libraries
- Built against the standard SPI library.
Please refer to:
This chip uses the SPI bus, plus two chip control pins. Remember that pin 10 must still remain an output, or the SPI hardware will go into 'slave' mode.