Alpha 0.7.3
Version 0.7.3
- enhancement: icons in project view
- fix: sometimes option widget will show confirm dialog even not changed
- enhancement: only editor area will receive file drop events
- enhancement: change project file's folder by drag and drop in the project view
- enhancement: open project file by drag it to the editor area
- fix: the "add bookmark" menu item is not correctly disabled on a bookmarked line
- enhancement: "use utf8 by default" in editor's misc setting
- fix: syntax issues not correctly cleared when the file was saved as another name.
- enhancement: when running a program, redirect a data file to its stdin
- fix: can't correctly handle '&&' and '||' in the #if directive (and correctly parse windows.h header file)
- fix: crash when create an empty project
- fix: syntax issues' filepath info not correct when build projects
- fix: compiler autolinks options widget don't show autolink infos
- fix: autolink parameters are repeated when compile single files
- enhancement: prompt for filename when create new project unit file
- fix: options not correctly set when change compiler set in the project settings
- change: reset compiler settings when change the project compiler set
- fix: toolbar's compiler set info not correctly updated when change it in the project settings dialog.
Version 0.7.2
- fix: rainbow parenthesis stop functioning when change editor's general options
- fix: issue count not correctly displayed when syntax check/compile finished
- fix: function declaration's parameters not correctly parsed, if it have a definition which have different parameter names
- fix: file path seperator used in the app is not unified, and cause errors somtimes.