Egg is a shell programming that tries to have some cake and eat some too.
It tries to be terse and productive for use in a shell:
# Sum the second column of a csv
$ cat my_file.csv | _.cols(',')[1].reduce @+
# Get files greater than 10mb and sort them by last modified
$ uti::ls.filt(_.size > 10mb).sort ..modified
# Send stdout to one file and stderror to another
$ ./foo | do { _.out >> 'out.txt'; _.err >> 'errors.txt' }
While being sane and extendable for use in scripts:
class Item {
name: Str
price: Float
quantity: Int
fn total (): Float {
ret price * quantity
fn get_items_from(file: Path) : Status[[Item]] {
if !(file.exists) {
ret Status::Error("Provided file does not exist")
lines : [str] = `read @file` | _.split
items : [Item] = []
for (i, line) in lines.with_indices {
cols := line.split(',')
if cols.len != 3 {
ret Status::Err("Line {i} is invalid")
items.add(Item{cols[0], cols[1].float, cols[2].int})
ret Status::Ok(items)
fn main (args) {
for item in get_items_from(args[0]).expect() {
say "Item: {} Cost: {item.cost}"
Note: Egg is in the early design stage and syntax is highly prone to change.
Egg has goals:
- be a highly productive shell language
- make scripting a maintainable endeavor
- be simple and predictable to non-experts
- be easy to learn
With these goals comes more concrete corollaries:
- egg should be extensible with custom types, modules, and encapsulation
- egg should attempt to minimize footguns
- egg should be gradually typed (since type checker in scripts == good, but type annotation in shell == tedious)
- egg should support standard data structures
- egg should avoid undefined behaviour (so I guess we'll need some docs)
Notably, some other things are non-goals too:
- Compatibility with Bash syntax is a non-goal, though generally, where Egg differs from Bash there is a preference that the Bash syntax should error in Egg as opposed to doing something subtly different.
- Blazing fast performance as a general-purpose programming language is a non-goal, as shell scripts normally spend most of their computation time inside other executables
And to top it off, there are some future goals that are currently nowhere near the top of the list of priorities. We'll call these "nice to haves" for now:
- Support for unit testing functions with guarantees of no system side-effects.
- A fully featured argparse toolkit for standardizing cli design of egg scripts
- A standard library of useful modules
Early design and prototyping stage
Executing Commands
These parts look a lot like Bash
cd ~/very/nice/path
foo bar | grep "spam" >> output_file.txt
If we type in an arbitrary word (which is not a reserved keyword), eggshell will attempt to find an executable the path that matches and will execute it. We will refer to this as "implicit execution".
We can
also disambiguate our intention to execute some string by surrounding it in
backticks as in foo bar
. If by chance your executable includes certain
charecters such as spaces, you will need to surround it in quotes
(even if you are using backticks) such as in the following cases.
"hello" a b c
`"hello" a b c`
Unlike in Bash however, implicit execution is not permitted:
- within code blocks surrounded by
{ ... }
- between square brackets
[ ... ]
- within parenthetical expressions
( ... )
- following a numerical-arithmetic operator
, or%
So within a function for example, we must use backticks.
In these cases, a := b
will assume b is the name of another variable, not a
target to execute.
fn a() {
hello := `echo hello`
say $ hello
When implicit execution is allowed at the top level, variable names must be
prefixed with a @
symbol, as in: a := @b
User defined functions and lambdas
fn get_rows_for_user(username: str): [str] {
ret `cat data.csv` | `grep "{username}"`.split()
rows := get_rows_for_user("user")
Lambdas are supported too with the syntax: \a -> b
for a single arg or
\(a,b) -> c
for lambdas with multiple arguments.
This function has a lambda in its body:
fn factorial(n: int): int {
answer := 1
(1..n).ea $ \i -> answer *= i
ret answer
factorial_of_10 := factorial(10)
Functions that take a single argument can also have that argument piped to it like so:
factorial_of_10 := 10 | @factorial
Functions can also take two special types of arguments: *args
which accepts
multiple arguments and provides them as a list, and **kwargs
which accepts
arbitrary named arguments and returns them as a Map with string keywords. These
arguments should be familiar to Python users.
fn sum(*args) {
total := 0;
args.ea(total += _)
fn run_with_env(executable: str, **extra_env: map[str,str] ) {
for item in extra_env {
env.set(item[0], item[1])
Functions can also receive arguments via "currying" syntax:
add3 : Fn = \(a, b, c) -> @a + b + c
plus_15 := add3 $ 10 $ 5
sum_1_2_3 : int = f $ 1 $ 2 $ 3
Implicit lambdas can also be created with the _
token for lambdas that only
take one argument.
lines := cat my_file.csv | _.split()
The scope of an implicit lambda is bounded by pipe |
and curry $
This means that a | foo(
is equivalent to a | \x -> foo(
. If you
need a lambda to be defined more narrowly you will need to define the lambda
explicitly or restructure your expression. For example, if in the previous
example you wanted the _.a
to be a lambda argument to foo, you could rewrite
the expression as a | foo $
There is also a shorthand for just these sorts of lambdas which are used to
access fields of an object as ...field_name
. Take for example the expression:
items.sort(key=\x ->
. We could also write this
Lambda functions can also have multiple lines using curly braces as below:
add3 := \(a,b,c) {
d:= a + b
return d + c
Default arguments can be asserted, and type hints on arguments are optional. When we are calling a function with zero args, or using only default values for args, we can omit the parenthesis. See how implicit lambdas and function calls make get_rows_for_user faster to type.
lines := cat my_file.csv | _.split.rev.rev # why reverse twice? Because we can!
To refer to the function directly when the function is not being called or
curried (functions in egg are first class!) we can add ...
to subvert this
fn do_with_1_2_3 ( f: Fn ) {
Error Handling
This works the same as in Bash:
(do_a && do_b && do_c) || do_x
But we also support another:
try {
} catch {
These are exactly equivalent, but try-catch blocks have an additional ability to catch the exact error thrown inside the try and store it:
try {
} catch e: Error {
say("Handling error: {e}")
We can also add assertions which will raise an error if the expression is not truthy.
assert 1 == 7 # This will create an error
Do Blocks
Consider the bash code (a && b && c) || (x; y; z)
notice how semicolons within a parenthesis allow bash to express a sequence of
actions in a sort of code block without creating a function. In Egg, we can
construct a similar "atomic sequence" using "do blocks".
The equivalent code in Egg would be:
(`a` && `b` && `c`) || do {`x`; `y`; `z`}
Egg supports three basic types of loops, all of which will likely feel familiar:
Infinite loops:
loop {
if input("Enter guess: ") == correct_answer {
say $ "Guess again"
While loops:
a := 1
while (a < 10) {
say $ a
a += 1
For loops:
for i in (0..10) {
say i
Additionally, most collections types have a .ea
"for each" method:
# Print 0 through 9
(0..10).ea $ say _
Loops can also have labels for breaking or continuing outer loops using the as
loop as outer_loop {
while(...) as inner_loop {
if (...) {
continue outer_loop
Labeled loops are supported for loop
, for
and while
Asynchronous Programming
Promises in bash are similar to their counterparts in Javascript.
promise := ~(`long_running_executable a b c`)
say "I get printed almost immediately!"
say "I get printed after the long task finishes..."
We can chain them together like so:
~(`foo`).then( \foo_out -> {
}).success(say _).error(say _).then(say _)
Importing other egg files
Consider my_egg.egg
with the following contents:
import "my_library.egg"
fn foo() {
say "hello world"
There are two different ways we might want to incorporate this script into another.
The first thing we may want to do is simply call the script from another script. This is done with:
egg my_egg.egg
That will call the script in a new process but will not make foo()
to use by the calling script.
The second thing we may want to do is fetch the user defined functions and types for use in our own script. This is done with:
import "my_egg.egg"
That will make foo available to the calling script under the namespace "my_egg", so we can say:
import "my_egg.egg"
Note that in the above snippet, "hello world" will be displayed twice as my_egg.egg must be run in order to import it. The namespace of a module is decided by its parsing its filename. But we can change it like so:
import "my_egg.egg" as foo_lib
todo: write more here
class Item {
name: Str
price: Float
quantity: Int = 1
fn total(): Float {
ret price * quantity
item : Item = Item{"thingy", 1.99}
Egg supports polymorphism.
class Cow : Animal {
fn make_sound() {
Lists in egg behave similarly to lists in other languages like Python. Like many dynamic programming languages, the elements in lists need not be the same type, unless of course type constraints have been added. Lists are 0-indexed as all things should be.
l := [1,2,"three",Four(),5.0]
four := l[3]
_3_4_5_ := l[2:5]
_1_3_5_ := l[0:5:2]
l_last := l[-1]
l_reversed := l[::-1]
nearest_to_7 := [9,0,5,1].sort_rev(abs(_ - 7 ))
size := l.len()
Lists is egg can also be used as sets.
l := [1,4,6,7,8, 4]
s := l.uniq()
s.add_uniq(4) # does nothing!
Maps in egg behave similarly to dictionaries in Python.
a : Map = { "apple": Apple, "orange": Orange }
a := { }
They are in essence heterogeneous hashmaps (the keys need not all be the same type, nor the values). Though type constraints may be added as desired!
valid_map : Map[str, int] = { "apple": 1, "orange": 2 }
try {
invalid_map : Map[str, int] = { "apple": 1, "orange": false }
} catch {
say "non-int value 'false' throws an error";
Working with Environment Variables
Unlike with bash, environment variables do not enter the global scope. This is to help avoid collisions with user defined variables and functions as well as executables in path.
To access an environment variable with a default value, use env.get
as in:
env.get("FOO", "default_value")
To set an environment variable for the duration of the script, use:
@env.set("FOO", "hello")
or @env["FOO"] = "Hello"
To check if an environment variable is set, use:
If you know that an environment variable is set, you can access it like a
dictionary which will throw an error if it is not defined:
To temporarily set an environment variable, then return it to prior state,
you can employ the push
and pop
env.push("FOO", "hello")
You can also call env.push
and env.pop
without any arguments and it will
reset all environment variables to their previous state.
env["foo"] = "Hello"
env["bar"] = "World"
env["foo"] = "Alice"
env["bar"] = "Bob"
say "hello {env['foo']} and {env['bar']}"
say "{env['foo']} {env['bar']}"
Calling env.pop()
if no states have been pushed with env.push()
(or if all
pushed states have been popped before), env will be reset to it's value when the
script or shell was created. This can also be forced with env.reset()
Will display "hello Alice and Bob" on the first say
and "hello world" on the
One more way of setting the environment temporarily is with a context. Contexts work similar to their equivalents in Python.
with env.ctx(foo="hello", bar="world") {
say $ "{env['foo']} {env['bar']}"
This will set foo
and bar
environment variables for the duration of the with
block only.
Basic Types
- Str
- Int
- Float
- Bool
- Fn
Provided Data Structures
- Lists
- Hashmaps
Types with Units
In egg, integers and floats can be given units. Supported unit types include:
: for memory and files sizestime
: for elapsed or wall clock time
The syntax for this looks like:
memory_used: size = 1.5Gb + 2.7mb + 4b
time_elapsed: time = 1.5h + 30m + 12s.
Note that units are parsed case-insensitive.
Supported size
- b
- kb
- mb
- gb
- tb
- pb
- kib
- mib
- gib
- tib
- pib
supported time
- ns
- us
- ms
- sec
- min
- hr
- day
- wk
These things should probably go somewhere other than the README at some point.
From highest to lowest priority (higher priorities evaluate first):
- selection:
- negation:
(unary) - exponentiation:
- multiplication/division:
- comparison:
- conjunction:
- disjunction:
- implicit lambda:
- currying:
- pipelining:
- assignment:
- semicolon:
Comparison operators can be chained like such:
a < b > 3 == 4 != 5
The result will be true iff all adjacent values uphold their connecting comparison.