This project shows how to run tiny yolov2 (20 classes) with AMD's NN inference engine(Annie):
- A python convertor from yolo to caffe
- A c/c++ implementation and python wrapper for region layer of yolov2
- A sample for running yolov2 with Annie
Please install amdovx modules and modelcompiler from
Step 2. Convert Caffe to Annie python lib as shown below using NNIR ModelCompiler (amdovx-modules/utils/model_compiler/)
First convert caffe to NNIR format and compile NNIR to deployment python lib using the following steps
% python ./models/caffemodels/yoloV2Tiny20.caffemodel <nnirOutputFolder> --input-dims 1,3,416,416
% python [OPTIONS] <nnirInputFolder> <outputFolder> (details are in ModelCompiler page of amdovx_modules git repository)
There will be a file (under build) and weights.bin
python3 ./detectionExample/ --image ./data/dog.jpg --annpythonlib <> --weights <weights.bin>
python3 ./detectionExample/ --capture 0 ./data/dog.jpg --annpythonlib <> --weights <weights.bin> (live Capture)
This runs inference and detections and results will be like this:
Install caffe and config the python environment path.
sh ./models/
Please ignore the error message similar as "Region layer is not supported".
The converted caffe models should end with "prototxt" and "caffemodel".
Please update parameters (biases, object names, etc) in ./src/CRegionLayer.cpp, and parameters (dim, blockwd, targetBlockwd, classe, etc) in ./detectionExample/
Please read ./src/CRegionLayer.cpp and ./detectionExample/ for details.
Research Only