- New version for Python3
- New CNV engine
- Long reads support
- Dockerized
Xome-Blender is a collection of python and R scripts based on SAMtools functions that allows to generate synthetic cancer genomes with user defined features such as the number of subclones, the number of somatic variants and the presence of CNV, without the addition of any synthetic element. It is composed of two modules: InXalizer and Xome-Blender. The first module is devoted to the blending process initialization. It takes as input a single BAM file, a set of user-defined parameters and returns the coverage of the sample and the input-files for the second module (Xome-Blender). Optionally, it creates a file containing the coordinates to insert CNV in the final product. The second module generates the synthetic heterogeneous sample.
- Python 3 (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
- R (https://www.r-project.org)
- SAMtools and BCFtools 1.6 or above (http://www.htslib.org/download/)
git clone git://github.com/rsemeraro/Xome-Blender.git
The project can be compiled by calling setup.py in the top-level directory:
python3 setup.py install
docker pull r08d0ck/xomeblender_docker:3.1
docker run -v /your/input_data/folder:/mnt/mydata -it --name XB3 r08d0ck/xomeblender_docker:3.1
First run InXalizer. It requires a BAM file, a label for it and a reference genome. By means of four parameters it is possible to tune the initialization process:
- Subclone number = the number of subclones that will compose the final product (
). - Variants number = the number of somatic variants that will appear in the final product (
). - Subclonal architecture = the evolution model for the sample synthesis, it can be Linear or Branched (
). - CNV = it's an option that allows for the generation of a CNV file, defining their number and length (
Optionally, it is possible to use a target file, in bed format, to edit only defined portions of the BAM file (whole-exome or target sequencing experiments).
Running InXalizer with minimum requirements:
python3 inxalizer -i file.bam -la my_label -r MyRef.fasta -scn 2 -vn 50 -sa Branched
Running InXalizer with target file:
python3 inxalizer -i file.bam -la my_label -r MyRef.fasta -scn 2 -vn 50 -sa Branched -b MyTargetfile.bed
Running InXalizer with CNVs:
python3 inxalizer -i file.bam -la my_label -r MyRef.fasta -scn 2 -vn 50 -sa Branched -cnv 3 1000000
With Xome Blender 3.1 you can customize the CNV events. The main function of
, which creates events basing on the number and the size defined by the user, is preserved but now you can pass toXome Blender
a hand made CNV file. The CNV file is made of 7 fields: chr, start, end, event (Del-Dup), copy number, subclones, reference.chr4 64680053 65680053 Del 2 1000_variants_S1 /ext-HD2/GRCh38.fa chr13 55771838 56771838 Del 2 1000_variants_S1 /ext-HD2/GRCh38.fa chr14 64913211 65913211 Dup 2 1000_variants_S1 /ext-HD2/GRCh38.fa chr10 24042890 25042890 Dup 1 1000_variants_S2 /ext-HD2/GRCh38.fa chr17 8389846 9389846 Dup 4 1000_variants_S1-1000_variants_S2 /ext-HD2/GRCh38.fa chr2 100120027 101120027 Del 2 1000_variants_S1-1000_variants_S2 /ext-HD2/GRCh38.fa chr8 139185592 140185592 Del 2 1000_variants_S2 /ext-HD2/GRCh38.fa chr8 128351385 129351385 Del 1 1000_variants_S2 /ext-HD2/GRCh38.fa chr9 119828043 120828043 Dup 2 1000_variants_S2 /ext-HD2/GRCh38.fa
For duplications, the maximum copy number is 5, on the other hand, for deletions you can set a single deletion (1) or a double deletion (2).
InXalizer can be run to generate CNV files only by using the "CNV list" function, invoked as
, and a reference sequence.python3 inxalizer -r ref.fa -l cnv_list.txt
Each line of the
file must contain a label for the cnv file to be generated, the number and the size of CNV events and, optionally, the path to a target file.My_label_1 23 10000000 My_label_2 3 100000000 path/to/target.bed
The data generated by InXalizer are then used to proceed with the blending process, performed by Xome-Blender.
The main module takes as input the BAM files produced by InXalizer, the sample's label (the same used in InXalizer), the starting coverage (-sc
) (stored into the .cov file), the percentage (-p
) of each subclone in order to create the mixed sample, the desired coverage (-fc
) of the output file and the subclone variant file (-v
) generated in the previous step. If provided, it can use a cnv file generated with InXalizer to add CNV events to the final product.
Xome-Blender can be run in "single mode" by typing all the options in a shell, as in the examples below.
Running Xome-Blender with minimum requirements:
python3 xome_blender -i Control.bam Subclone1.bam Subclone2.bam -la my_label -sc 127 -p 30 40 30 -fc 110 -v Subclone1.vcf Subclone2.vcf
Running Xome-Blender with CNVs:
python3 xome_blender -i Control.bam Subclone1.bam Subclone2.bam -la my_label -sc 127 -p 30 40 30 -fc 110 -v Subclone1.vcf Subclone2.vcf -cnv my_label_CNV.txt
Alternatively, it can be run in "automated mode" by using the --list (-l)
option. The activation of this parameter requires a list file, containing the info to run multiple consecutive analyses.
python3 xome_blender -l list_file.txt
The list_file is a tab separated file containing different anlayses (one per line). Each row must contain all the parameters above.
NA18501_Control.bam NA18501_Subclone1.bam NA18501 145 20 80 120 Subclone1.vcf
NA18501_Control.bam NA18501_Subclone1.bam NA18501 145 30 70 90 Subclone1.vcf
NA18501_Control.bam NA18501_Subclone1.bam NA18501 145 40 60 140 Subclone1.vcf my_label_CNV.txt
NA18501_Control.bam NA18501_Subclone1.bam NA18501 145 50 50 50 Subclone1.vcf my_label_CNV.txt
This program has been developed by Roberto Semeraro, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence