Files for research work and lecturing material for capacity building in BIODEV project in Burkina Faso and Sierra Leone. They are structured as a course. Work is described in these publications:
Valbuena R., Heiskanen J., Aynekulu E., Pitkanen S. & Packalen P. (2016) Sensitivity of Above-Ground Biomass Estimates to Height-Diameter Modelling in Mixed-Species West African Woodlands. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158198.
Heiskanen J., Liu J., Valbuena R., Aynekulu E., Packalen P. & Pellikka P. (2017) Remote Sensing Approach for Spatial Planning of Land Management Interventions in West African Savannas. Journal of Arid Environments 140: 29–41.
Melin M., Heiskanen J., Packalen P. & Valbuena R. (2016) Inventory of Biomass and Forest Resources. In: Mononen K. & Pitkanen S. (Eds.) Sustainable Fuelwood Management in West Africa. University of Eastern Finland. Grano, Jyvaskyla, Finland. pp. 27-64.
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