Query on Array allows you to perform queries on Array.
This package is suitable for you if you need to perform some queries on:
- Perform SELECT query
- Perform where query (where, orWhere, whereIn, whereDate e.t.c)
- Perform Sorting
- Perform Limit, Offset
- Perform Aggregate Query (count, sum, avg, max, min)
To install the package, you can use Composer:
composer require ruhulfbr/array-qry
To instantiate the ArrayQ do the following:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Ruhul\ArrayQuery\ArrayQ;
$array = [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'John Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'age' => 25,
'dob' => '1999-05-15',
'company' => [
'name' => 'ABC Company',
'catchPhrase' => 'Innovative solutions for businesses',
'bs' => 'Transforming industries through technology'
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Jane Smith',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'age' => 30,
'dob' => '1994-08-20',
'company' => [
'name' => 'XYZ Corporation',
'catchPhrase' => 'Empowering companies to succeed',
'bs' => 'Driving growth and innovation'
'id' => 3,
'name' => 'Alice Johnson',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'age' => 35,
'dob' => '1989-12-10',
'company' => [
'name' => 'PQR Enterprises',
'catchPhrase' => 'Delivering excellence to clients',
'bs' => 'Building a better future together'
try {
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)
->select('id', 'name')
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$result = $e->getMessage();
You can perform queries on your array:
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)
->select('id', 'name')
//->select(['id', 'name'])
->where('id', 2)
//->where('id', '>' ,2)
->orWhere('id', 3)
//->orWhere('id', '>=', 3)
->whereDate('dob', '2010-10-10')
//->whereDate('dob', '>=','2010-10-10')
->whereLike('name', 'ruhul')
//->whereLike('name', 'ruhul', 'start')
//->whereLike('name', 'ruhul', 'end')
->whereIn('age', [22,23,25,26])
->whereNotIn('age', [11,12,13])
//->orderBy('id', 'desc')
//->orderBy('id', 'asc')
//->latest('id') // Default Id
//->oldest('id') // Default Id
// To Get All Result
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->all();
// To Get All Sorted Result
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->all();
// To Get Specific Row
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->where('id', 1)->row();
// To Get First Result
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->where('id', 1)->first();
// To Get Last Result
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->where('id', 1)->last();
// To Get nth row
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->getNth(2); // [0-n]
// Check Is row exist
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->where('id', 1)->hasData(); // boolean
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->where('id', 1)->doesExist(); // boolean
// To Get All Sorted Result
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->all();
(default operator, can be omitted)>
(default operator, can be omitted)asc
You can add criteria and specify limit and offset for your query results:
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)
//->limit(10, 2)
You can add criteria and specify limit and offset for your query results:
// To Get Count
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->count();
// To Get Sum
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->sum('age');
// To Get Average
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->avg('age');
// To Get row with minimum column value
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->min('age');
// To Get row with maximum column value
$result = ArrayQ::from($array)->max('age');
If you found an issue or had an idea please refer to this section.
- Md Ruhul Amin - Github