Open Food Facts is a food products database made by everyone, for everyone. Open Food Facts gathers information and data on food products from around the world.
Open Food Facts is a database of food products with ingredients, allergens, nutrition facts and all the tidbits of information we can find on product labels.
Open Food Facts is a non-profit association of volunteers. 25000+ contributors like you have added 1,1M+ products from 150 countries using our Android, iPhone or Windows Phone app or their camera to scan barcodes and upload pictures of products and their labels.
Data about food is of public interest and has to be open. The complete database is published as open data and can be reused by anyone and for any use. Check-out the cool reuses or make your own!
Open Food Facts on Google Play
Open Food Facts on F-Droid
Have a bug or a feature request? Please search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.
Open Food Facts on Android has 0,5M users and 1M products. Each contribution you make will have a large impact on food transparency worldwide. Finding the right issue or feature will help you have even more more impact. Feel free to ask for feedback on the #android channel before you start work, and to document what you intend to code.
Here are issues and feature requests you can work on:
- P1 issues
- Issues with a screenshot of the problem
- Issues with a visual mockup of the solution
- Simplify product addition
- Create onboarding features for new users
- Small issues (Hacktoberfest)
- Improve product comparison
- Help remove some of the technical debt
If you don't have time to contribute code, you're very welcome to
- scan new products
- make a donation to help pay for the hosting and general costs
You can help translate Open Food Facts and the app at (no technical knowledge required, takes a minute to signup):
- Download the latest Android Studio stable build.
- If you are running the app for the first time, Android Studio will ask you to install the Gradle dependencies.
- If you are a new contributor to open-source, we recommend you read our Setup Guidelines
- In Android Studio, make sure to select
as the default flavor for Open Food Facts (OBF
is Open Beauty Facts,OPF
- Open Products Facts,OPFF
- Open Pet Food Facts)
To activate screenshots buildType in IDE; uncomment def result = "screenshots" and comment the other line otherwise the folder androidTestScreenshots is not recognized as a test folder.
To generate localized screenshots of the app on your local computer, launch the command gradlew connectedOffScreenshotsAndroidTest --stacktrace --info -PtestBuildType=screenshots
with a physical device attached to your computer
Help is welcome to improve those
- Repo owner or admin
- [email protected]
- Join our #android and #android-alerts discussion room at
If you're new to open-source, we recommend to checkout our Contributing Guidelines. Feel free to fork the project and send a pull request.
We use the following libraries, and we're not closed to changes where relevant :-) If you spot any libraries we added or we don't use anymore, feel free to update this list using a Pull Request.
- Dagger 2 - A fast dependency injector for Android and Java
- Retrofit - Retrofit turns your REST API into a Java interface
- OkHttp - An HTTP+SPDY client for Android and Java applications
- Mockito - Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
- Apache - The Apache Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more.
- RxJava - Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
- android-async-http - A Callback-Based Http Client Library for Android
- Jackson - Core part of Jackson that defines Streaming API as well as basic shared abstractions
- code-mc/loadtoast - Pretty material design toasts with feedback animations
- journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded - Barcode scanner library for Android, based on the ZXing decoder
- koush/ion - Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading
- jsoup - jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML
- satyan/sugar - Insanely easy way to work with Android Database.
- afollestad/material-dialogs - A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
- jjhesk/LoyalNativeSlider - Possible a dynamic viewpager ever you can find.
- mikepenz/MaterialDrawer - The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project.
Big thanks to their contributors!
The project was initially started by Scot Scriven, other contributors include:
- Aurélien Leboulanger
- Pierre Slamich
- Friedger Müffke
- Qian Jin
- Fred Deniger
- VaiTon
- Full list of the Open Food Facts Android developers
Copyright 2016-2020 Open Food Facts
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.