Personal dotfile management, using chezmoi.
Install XCode ...
xcode-select --install
... then Homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
Install chezmoi
brew install chezmoi
Create .config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
name = "<your name>"
email = "<email address>"
Initialize workstation to use chezmoi:
chezmoi init --apply ruralocity
- Add a file to chezmoi:
$ chezmoi add ~/.bashrc
- Edit a file:
$ chezmoi edit ~/.bashrc
- View diff:
$ chezmoi diff
- Apply changes:
$ chezmoi -v apply
- commit changes:
$ chezmoi cd $ <use git to add/commit/push>
- SSH keys/setup (look into using 1Password for key management)
- Lots of app-specific configs
- Wondering, should I do some global Mise installs during setup?